The Celebrations Continue for Pastor Ken Sann

Ken Sann Ordination 2023

On Sunday, February 19, 2023 we had the great honor of hosting a service of worship for Winnebago Presbytery at which Ken Sann was ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. His journey up to this point took many years, so the celebration was that much sweeter! Special thanks to all who assisted that afternoon in the worship service and in the beautiful reception following. A ministerial robe worn by the late Ted Sperduto was presented to Ken, and our church gave him a lovely green stole featuring the tree of life and streams of living water.

Ken has been called to serve part-time at two small churches in the northern region of our presbytery, Presbyterian churches in Wausaukee and Athelstane. (He has been preaching in these same churches for more than a year, but now he officially becomes their pastor.) He will be installed to this position at each church later this month, and invites us to attend these installation services as we are able. The installation at Wausaukee will be on Sunday, March 12 at 3:00 pm and at Athelstane on Sunday, March 26 at 3:00 pm. Each service will be followed by a celebration meal.

Please join our sisters and brothers in the faith as we continue this celebration of the Spirit in the life of Ken Sann.

Our Church Directory – Picture Time!

Instant Church Directory

We hope everyone’s had a chance to download the Instant Church Directory app on your phone or signed up on your desktop to view the directory on your computer! If not, please let us know when we can be of assistance to help you.

If you’re already set up, now we’d like you to take a few minutes and swap out the placeholder image that’s in your profile for an actual picture of yourself or your family.

  • On the app, select the Menu in the upper left hand corner
  • Select Edit My Family
  • Choose an image from your phone
Instant Church Directory

And, that’s it!

If the image isn’t perfectly centered don’t worry, once your changes are submitted we’ll go into the directory and make sure the image is centered perfectly. And, if you’d rather we take care of inserting the image for you, simply email it to and we’ll get it taken care of.

For step by step instructions on how to change the picture from the website visit

And just a reminder, if you’re not set up with the mobile app yet you can download the app to your Apple device at

To download the app to your Android device visit

And, from your computer visit

We hope to see your picture in the directory soon!

Instant Church Directory

Name That Member will soon retire

Name that Member

Well, it’s been all fun and games since we debuted Name that Member! last June with our first profile of Virginia (Ginney) Amen when she celebrated her 100th birthday.

After Ginney we had 14 more members that played our game, but today we find ourselves with no other willing people to play.

If you’d like to keep the game going, please send an email with at least 10 fun facts about yourself to —no dead giveaways though!

Or simply visit our website and complete the Name that Member! form and let’s keep the game going!

Thanks to all of our Members who participated as players! We learned more about you and boy did we ever stump some of our other Members with your fun facts!

Our players included:

  • Ginny Amen
  • Becky Christiansen
  • Stephanie Fahringer
  • Shirley Schoffelman
  • Bobbi Holl
  • Jane Bies
  • Judy Knutzen-Nerad
  • Lisa Olson
  • Joel Morien
  • Loni McCormick
  • Elliot Stenson
  • Bruce Deadman
  • Amy Wittman
  • David Young
  • Russ Christensen

To view our player’s profiles, visit our Happening Now page and select the Name that Member! tab along the Happening Now section choices. Thanks for playing!

Name that Member!

Gestures of Generosity, March 2023

Gestures of Generosity

Thank you for your Gesture!

A devastating earthquake hit Syria and Turkey last month, causing irreparable damage and the loss of more than 35,000 lives so far.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance was very quickly on the ground with teams to help with rescue, recovery and rebuilding. We included an insert in the bulletin with information on how we could give directly to the cause, and a wonderful gesture of generosity demonstrated how to extend one person’s gifts to much more.

Sue Russell took home that bulletin insert and spent a few days walking door to door in her neighborhood, explaining the effort and soliciting contributions. After just a few hours’ work, she was able to send in a check to PDA for $650. Way to go, Sue!

Thanks for your generous heart!

If you have a Gestures of Generosity story to share, please contact Cheri at and tell us your story.

March 2023 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Souper Bowl of Caring Tackles Hunger!

Our Souper Bowl of Caring was a great time of food and fellowship! Using muffin tins (genius!) everyone had the opportunity to sample 8 amazing soups. The judging was tough because all were delicious! We had nearly 40 votes and the grand prize winner was chef Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges with her Christmas Corn Chowder. Georjeanna was awarded the golden ladle during worship on February 26th.

We raised $285 for the Presbyterian Pantry but thanks to a generous, anonymous donor, that amount was matched and the grand total raised was $570—wow! Thanks to everyone who attended and voted, and thanks to our amazing chefs—Brooke Bruette, Russ Christensen, Al Smith, Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges, Brenda and George Hubbard, Ross and Lyn Early, Joel and Brittany Morien and Pastor Katie.

Thanks also to our CE Committee who made the event possible and to Mary Belanger who helped configure our crockpot outlets so we didn’t blow a circuit!

Cozy Kids are cozy thanks to you!

THANK YOU to everyone who made our Cozy Kids January Campaign such a success! The kids were so grateful for all the generous contributions! Our community of faith is truly blessed to have so many members who give back to our local community, especially to our friends and families in need at Tank School.

February 20, 2023 – Name that Member BIG REVEAL!

Name that Member

Earlier this week we featured our Monday Member Spotlight Name that Member through email and on our social media and now it’s time for the BIG REVEAL! In case you missed it, here’s our Member’s story:

  • About my childhood – we always had a piano, which my parents were very proficient at (wish I could say the same about me). I tuned into music and Christianity at an early age.
  • I grew up watching Billy Graham Crusades.
  • We went to church every Sunday followed by my Mom making chicken dinner. In the afternoons we visited relatives at their house, or ours, or those at the cemetery.
  • As a family we would visit other churches often. Yes, FPC was on the visit list.
  • I was supposed to be a middle child…I have one brother.
  • I have one wife (one and only), 3 children and 4 grandchildren.
  • I have too many blessings to have just one favorite thing in the world, however I’ve been going to a place of refuge for about 48 years which is an excellent place for mental and physical therapy.
  • What I like most about being a member of our church is that it’s Bible based (more than some churches). Prayer, Praise and Worship are in a ‘reverent’ manner.
  • I’ve been a member of our church for close to 30 years (though not continuous…been around the block a few times).
  • My parent’s wedding was held at FPC. So was mine (one and only).
  • Even while being members of another church ‘we’ would regularly spend the closest Sunday of our wedding anniversary ‘here’.
  • My favorite place to visit is my place of refuge (located on a road less traveled).
  • Couldn’t tell you my ‘best’ vacation spot, because the ones I’ve visited have something special about each one.
  • What I’m most passionate about is keeping this little light of mine lit, in an ever increasing windy world (and passing that light on to our kids, grandkids, and whomever else might be interested).
  • I’ve attended 4 colleges and went to all the colleges I wanted to attend.
  • I have 3 degrees and graduated from one college twice.
  • I’ve always graduated college debt free.
  • I came very close to enrolling at Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque Iowa. (Did my ministry in another way/career.)
  • My family has a very ecumenical history (although in a very conservative way).
  • I bought my first car when I was 14 years old for $75 (and still have it!)
  • Also, still use my first toaster, a ‘flip flop’ one.
  • I’ve already had a ride in a hearse, but not in the back. Great ride!
  • I’ve never gambled but if I were to buy a lottery ticket the numbers would be: 1, 13, 15, 40, 53 & 12.
  • I’m not comfortable being in the spotlight. I like recognition as much as anyone but I don’t seek or glory in it.
  • I’ve participated in 3 polar bear plunges and, yes, for it to be an official plunge, you have to go under.

Who am I?

Do you give up?

I’m Russ Christensen!

I bet you didn’t know I was such an academic or that I use a fire hazard antique toaster!

Tell us your story! Complete our Name that Member Form or email so you can be featured in an upcoming Monday Member Spotlight of Name that Member!

February 2023 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Unforced Rhythms of Grace

Pastor Katie and Joel Morien were thrilled to attend the annual conference of the Association of Partners in Christian Education in late January, held in Birmingham Alabama. They appreciated plenary sessions with speaker John Pavlovitz whose most recent book is If God is Love, Don’t Be a Jerk, worship with local gospel choirs and nationally-known preachers, and a multitude of workshops. It was also an opportunity to network with others in ministry as the event drew more than 500 participants from around the country.

2nd Annual Burns Night—an Evening in the Highlands

Thanks to everyone involved in last Saturday’s second annual Burns Night Benefit Dinner: An Evening in the Highlands! More than 100 people gathered at the Green Bay Distillery to raise funds to help Hurricane Ian victims and to enjoy an wonderful evening. An optional Scotch tasting session was followed by a hearty feast of Whiskey Glazed Salmon or Whiskey Glazed Pork Loin with lots of extras. We also enjoyed amazing entertainment and activities including the Clan Donald Pipe Band, the Irish Heritage Dancers, sword dancing, Address to the Haggis, and more! It was a great evening, but don’t you think it’s a little cold for kilts?

Annual Ski Trip

This year’s ski trip was a fabulous time! We were fortunate to have our friends from First United along for the fun. The weather was perfect for a day on the slopes and the day was filled with fellowship and fun. And, this year everyone was off the bunny hill by 10:30 check-in!

Happy 100th Birthday to Theda Nero!

Wishing you a blessed day on your birthday and all the days ahead in your 100th year!

Theda Nero 100th Birthday
Stephanie Fahringer and Donna Jansen join Theda Nero for her 100th Birthday Celebration

Online Church Directory Debuts February 5, 2023

Instant Church Directory

Dear Members,

Our church directory is available to view on your computer! Instant Church Directory – the program we use to build our church directory – has a member website. We’ll debut the mobile app during Fellowship Hour on February 5th when our app directory team will help with downloading the app and setting up your account. But you don’t need to wait till then!

To set up your account on the desktop go to

You can also set up your account on the mobile app. To download the app to your Apple device, click here:

To download the app to your Android device, click here:

Whether on the desktop or your mobile device, you will be asked to enter your email address as it’s listed in our directory. If your email address isn’t listed in the directory, let Leah know so it can be added at Once you enter your email address, follow the directions on-screen to complete the create log-in process. After you sign in, you’ll see the most up-to-date directory for our church. Any time updates are made, they will show on the Online Members’ Website, too.

For more information about the members’ website, go to:

We hope you’re as excited about our online directory as we are! Once you have access to your own information, you’ll be able to make any updates yourself, including changing the image for your listing.

If you need assistance with anything, please contact Cheri at or call her at the office (920) 437-8121.

Login today!

Gestures of Generosity, February 2023

Gestures of Generosity

Thank you for your Gesture!

On Sunday, January 22, the Generosity Team explained and answered questions relating to per capita. We answered the reason to check that box on your pledge card, committing to pay $38.00 for each adult member of your household this year. We reviewed why we ask for that above and beyond your regular pledge and what these contributions were going toward.

However, not everyone pays toward per capita. If you weren’t able to join us for worship on the 22nd, you may not understand per capita. Unfortunately, not everyone chooses to participate in this special offering that offsets our “bill” from the denomination that funds our connectional church. But one household among us made a wonderful Gesture of Generosity and recently gave a special gift of $1000 to help cover unpaid per capita. The gift is truly appreciated. Thanks be to God for this Gesture of Generosity!

If you have a Gestures of Generosity story to share, please contact Cheri at

January 9, 2023 – Name that Member BIG REVEAL!

Name that Member

Earlier this week we featured our Monday Member Spotlight Name that Member through email and on our social media and now it’s time for the BIG REVEAL! In case you missed it, here’s our Member’s story:

  • I was born and raised in Eastern South Dakota, North of Sioux Falls.
  • I spent a lot of vacation time in the Black Hills, which is my favorite place to be in the world.
  • My freshman year in football, I was so bad that my coach told me I should try cross country next season! He made the right call. I still run today.
  • I joined choir and theater in high school to get past my fear of being in front of people!
  • I have 3 brothers, 2 older and one younger.
  • I am divorced, I have four children, one daughter in law, and one grand daughter who oozes cuteness! Three of my children were baptized in this church.
  • I love exploring! I spent two summers in Egypt when I was young, and that was huge. I love going to new places, learning new cultures, and seeing new things.
  • I’m also a huge football fan, and people around here don’t appreciate my point of view!
  • What I love most about being a member of the church is that there are so many good people in this church! I love the way it serves the community and its people. Also most of my best mentors came from this church! It is a pleasure to take an active role in its service!
  • I have been a member of First Presbyterian for over 30 years!
  • My favorite place to be is Iron Creek Lake in the Northern Black Hills. It is God’s gift, it is so beautiful there. There is a mountain at the end of the lake where the view is so amazing, and when the wind blows, there is a sound the pine needles make, a whisper, it is just beautiful!
  • What I’m most passionate about is simple really. I just want to make a difference.
  • I say thank you about one hundred times a day, and laugh when God puts an obstacle in my way because I know he’s just trying to slow me down!

Who am I?

Do you give up?

I’m David Young!

Did you know all that about David?

Tell us your story! Complete our Name that Member Form or email so you can be featured in an upcoming Monday Member Spotlight of Name that Member!