2024 Ordination and Installation


Sunday, July 14th

“There are varieties of gifts, but it is the same Spirit who gives them. There are different ways of serving God, but it is the same Lord who is served…Together we are the body of Christ, and individually members of it.”

These words, taken from the service of ordination and installation in the PC(USA), are a reminder of our calling to service in the church. This is the time of year when our Deacons and Elders complete terms of service and begin new ones.

With many thanks to outgoing Deacon Linda Christensen and outgoing Elders Jane Bies and Jon Tessier, we are pleased to welcome new Deacon Mike Melton, as well as new Elders Kirke Ryder and Deb Shober to service! They have each served in various ministries prior to this term and bring a wealth of experience to their roles. The Session has set the date of Sunday July 14, 2024 for their ordination and installation in worship and they begin their service officially at the scheduled July meetings of the respective boards. Please take a minute to thank them all for their willingness to serve and keep them in your prayers as they lead us.

Confirmation Summer Social


July 14th

The confirmation class and mentors will be having a social on Sunday, July 14th following Fellowship Hour. We’ll carpool to Deb Shober’s house in Sobieski who graciously offered to host the event.

The main course will be chicken on the grill and everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass. The social is an opportunity for everyone to get together and build on the relationships that were formed between confirmands and mentors during our hours of confirmation class. We’re excited for a night filled with food, fun and fellowship.

The confirmands will be confirmed sometime this fall. Stay tuned for the date to mark your calendar.

Congratulations 2024 Graduates!

Nana Berko
Nana Berko

Graduation Sunday, June 9th

Join us on Sunday, June 9th at 10am worship service as we recognize this year’s high school graduates, Nana Berko and Gaby Jimenez. The fellowship hour following worship will be a chance to congratulate both graduates and continue the celebration.

Gaby Jimenez
Gaby Jimenez

Nana graduated on May 29th from Xavier High School in Appleton. She will be attending Macalester College where she’ll study Biology/Pre-med. She was awarded the Catherine Lealtad Scholarship. Dr. Catherine Lealtad was Macalester’s First African-American graduate. The scholarship exists to honor Dr. Lealtad for her life-time of service to the medical profession and her community, which reflects Macalester’s traditions of academic excellence and service to others. While in high school Nana participated in varsity tennis, soccer, varsity mock trial team, wind ensemble, National Honors Society, French Honors Society and French club. Her favorite high school memory was senior year homecoming with friends.

Gaby graduated early on January 22, 2024 from Preble High School and plans to attend the Empire Beauty School. Her goal following her secondary education is to own her own beauty salon. During high school Gaby was active in choir and her favorite high school memory is all those memories made with friends through the years.

2024 Annual Congregational Meeting

Congregational Meeting

June 2nd

The Session of First Presbyterian Church has called a meeting of the congregation for Sunday, June 2nd immediately following the worship service in the Sanctuary.

All members of the congregation are encouraged to attend and vote. The purpose of this meeting will be to elect two new elders and one new deacon to serve the church, and to approve a simple change to our By-laws.

The Congregational Meeting will not be livestreamed so if you’d like to join us for the meeting, please attend in person.

June Senior Moments Event

New Zoo Adventure Park logo

Our senior adult fellowship group, Senior Moments, is going to the NEW Zoo on Monday, June 24th—all are welcome to join us! We will gather at 11:30am at the zoo entrance at 4378 Reforestation Road in Suamico.

Please bring a lunch for yourself and plan to pay for your own zoo admission. Senior tickets are $9.00 each. For more information, contact Nancy Siewert at 920-609-2051.

2024 Outdoor Worship & Potluck Picnic

Outdoor Worship

Sunday, June 23rd

It’s time for our annual outdoor worship service and potluck picnic!

Potluck Picnic

Don’t miss this joyous event on Sunday, June 23rd at 10am on the front lawn of the church. Bring your own lawn chair if you can or use one of the chairs we will set on the sidewalks.

The service is casual and fun, a great opportunity to bring your friends and neighbors or grandchildren to worship with us. Our story-sermon will focus on the wonderful tale of Jonah, and volunteers to help are still needed—talk to Pastor Katie if you’d like to join in.

The Worship Committee will provide hotdogs on the grill as well as condiments, plates/tableware, and beverages.

Please bring a picnic side dish to share. We will serve food in the Fellowship Room and have places inside and outside for eating. Unfortunately, we are unable to livestream this worship service, so please come in person.

Confirmation Class Cookout

Confirmation Class Cookout

Current Confirmation students and their mentors are invited to a special summer gathering at the home of George Hubbard on Saturday, June 15th beginning at 5:00pm.

We don’t have regular confirmation classes through the summer months, but in order to stay connected and continue our journey together, we have planned a number of special events scattered throughout the summer for fun and fellowship.

For this event, youth and mentors are asked to bring a picnic side dish to share. George will provide our main dish as well as games and beverages. Transportation will be available from the church for anyone who needs it—contact Joel or Pastor Katie for more information.

Don’t miss it!

Vacation Bible School 2024

Vacation Bible School

August 5th thru 8th

The Christian Education Committee is excited to begin preparations for our 2024 Vacation Bible School! Our theme this year is We are God’s People.

We are God’s People will go through different stories in the bible that include Solomon from Solomon’s Temple, Jesus and the Resurrection, the man who was lowered through the roof for Jesus to heal, and on the final night our focus is We are the Body when we reflect on how we all have different gifts but together we form the body of Christ.

Bible School is led by members of our CE Committee and is open to children aged 4 through those who have completed fifth grade. Older children and youth are welcome to participate as volunteers. This year we have four fun-filled evenings planned from August 5 through 8. We ask that children are dropped off shortly before 5:30 so our light meal can begin at 5:30, and our evening ends with class concluding at 7:30.

This is an excellent opportunity for friends, neighbors, cousins, and grandchildren. Please spread the word to members and non-members alike, the more the merrier!

Registration is online only.

Register Now!

To volunteer or for questions please contact our Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries, Joel Morien, at (920) 437-8121 or email ce@firstpresgreenbay.org

We look forward to seeing the children at VBS in August!

Pentecost – Youth Sunday

Pentecost Sunday

Sunday, May 19th

The Festival of Pentecost is probably the least-known of all the church holy days. It occurs 50 days after Easter, marking the arrival of the promised Holy Spirit. It’s the official birthday of the Church, the time when the disciples and others understood their charge to go out and preach, teach, heal, and make disciples of all nations.

This Pentecost, Sunday May 19th, our youth will lead our 10am worship service, preaching and teaching just as the disciples did after Jesus’ resurrection. It’s an opportunity for our youth to let their talents and abilities shine. During the service, they showcase their gifts in a number of ways from performing the readings to giving the sermon. In collaboration with the worship committee, the youth are hard at work preparing the details of which youth will do the various responsibilities within worship. As a group they will choose the prayers and music that fits Pentecost Sunday and also the accompaniment of the music that’s selected. The steps in preparation of, and the actual worship service is a spiritual experience that draws each youth closer to their faith.

Following worship, we hope you’ll join us in fellowship hour where you’ll have the opportunity to thank the youth for all their efforts in taking the lead during worship on this Day of Pentecost.

Dinner for 2 @ the U

Fruits & Vegetables
Hot Beef Sandwich

The Outreach Committee is happy to be hosting our annual 2 for 2 @ the U meal for college students at the UWGB Mauthe Center on Tuesday, May 7th at 5pm. We’re anticipating an attendance of at least 50 people this time.

But we can’t pull this off without your help – we need your contributions to make this a delicious and nutritious meal!

The main course is hot beef sandwiches and chips, and we have a vegan dish also planned. But to make the meal complete we’re in need of an assortment of fresh cut veggies, fresh fruits and desserts for our students. Please indicate on the Outreach bulletin board signup sheet what you’re able to contribute and have your contribution at the church by noon on May 7th.

If you’re able to volunteer to serve the meal, we could definitely use your service and there’s a spot for you to sign up on the bottom of the signup sheet. Any questions please contact Stephanie Fahringer at 920-609-7510.

Thank you for your support!