July 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had a fabulous time at their June 6th social. There were 5 Chix in attendance when they dined at Highland Howies Pub & Grill. The food and service were excellent and there was an abundance of laughter throughout the evening. The next social is planned for July 11th at 6pm when the Chix will dine on the West side of town at Parker John’s BBQ & Pizza located at 2851 S. Oneida Street. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

Graduation Sunday

On Sunday, June 9th we celebrated the graduation of Nana Berko and Gaby Jimenez. It was a fantastic celebration where we recognized all their accomplishments and the pursuit of their gifts. Nana graduated from Xavier High School on May 29th and will study Biology/Pre-med at Macalester College. Gaby graduated early in January from Preble High School and will be attending Empire Beauty School with the goal of owning her own beauty salon post graduation. They were reminded that their church family is here for them as they journey forward. Check out our photo gallery!

Lillian Walker Baptism

Congratulations and blessings to Lillian Walker and family on her baptism last month. She was surrounded by her extended family and friends, and it was wonderful to have so many guests with us in worship. While Pastor Katie was expected to carry Lilly down the aisle to introduce her, it was decided that carrying an 11-year-old was not necessary! Check out our photo gallery!

Confirmation Cookout

The confirmation cookout was an awesome experience with everyone in attendance. Several games were played, prizes were awarded and it was a fantastic time. Everyone brought a dish to pass and George grilled out the main course. It was an amazing evening that had the 3 F’s—fun, food and fellowship. Thank you to everyone who attended and to our hosts George and Brenda Hubbard who put together an incredible party for the confirmands and mentors.

Parking Lot Resurfacing

Big thanks to everyone who helped make the parking lot project such a success! We were able to communicate the need to our neighbors who park with us to clear the lot for several days and church members mostly stayed away also, so the company had an easy time of cleaning, sealing, and then striping the newly refreshed surface. It is great to have the wider parking spaces as well.

Potluck Picnic 2024
Potluck Picnic 2024

Outdoor Worship & Potluck Picnic

Our annual outdoor service was great fun this year, though once again we had to move inside due to weather.  We did have plenty of people and a hilarious re-telling of the story of Jonah the prophet, with a jellyfish and singing sailors. We are grateful to the large cast of characters who quickly pivoted to a sanctuary setting—it still worked!  We all have a better understanding of what it must have been like in the belly of that great fish, how to befriend a jellyfish when you need help, and what it means to wear sackcloth and ashes when you have to repent. The potluck picnic was especially delicious this year, too.

Personal Hygiene Drive

Personal Hygiene Supply Drive

Thank you to everyone who supported our personal hygiene drive that benefited the Child Protective Services and Foster Care systems in Brown County. Special thanks to our confirmands and kids from the Nativity of Our Lord on Oneida Street who made substantial donations.

Softball Stats

Our softball season got underway in May and the team was so excited to be back on the field. Unfortunately our efforts didn’t result in a win for games 2 thru 5 in June. We’ve put up a good fight and gotten better with each game but haven’t been able to bring home a win yet this season. But we’re not going to get discouraged! We keep swinging and shooting for a win. Our last game of the season will be on Sunday, July 14th at Field 3 and we play ball at 6:45pm. Please come out and join us for the final game of the season before play offs!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

June 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had a fabulous time at their May 2nd social. There were 10 Chix in attendance when they dined at Narrow Bridge Plate + Pour. The food and service were excellent and there was an abundance of laughter throughout the evening. The next social is planned for June 6th at 6pm when the Chix will dine on the East side of town at Highland Howie’s Pub & Grill located at 3605 Humboldt Road. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

Letter Carriers & Boy Scout Food Drive

The Boy Scout food drive and the Letter Carriers drive in May sure filled our pantry. We’ve been averaging around 40 families during each week of Pantry so we’re always in need of help filling the pantry shelves. The Pantry crew thanks all who helped for the Letter Carriers drive with picking-up, sorting and putting away all the food. The Outreach Committee really appreciates all your help and so do our Pantry guests! The many new items offered will surely brings smiles to many.

Youth & Christian Educator Sunday

A BIG THANK YOU to our youth and youth group leaders who led us in worship on Pentecost Sunday! It was an opportunity for our youth to let their talents and abilities shine. They showcased their gifts in a number of ways from performing the readings to giving the sermon. As a group they chose the prayers and music that fit Pentecost Sunday and also chose all of the music. The steps in preparation of, and the actual worship service was a spiritual experience that has drawn each youth closer to their faith. Check out our photo gallery!

During worship the teachers and leaders were also recognized and thanked for all their contributions. Special thanks to Brenda Hubbard, Lisa Olson, Sara Bostedt, Loni McCormick, Deb Gauthier, Stacy Bostedt, Olivia Crooks, Jessica Gauthier, Mike Melton, Grace Estes Collins, Bobbi Holl, Joel Morien and Katie Estes for your contribution as educators!

Softball Stats

Our softball season got underway on Sunday, May 19th and the team was so excited to be back on the field. Unfortunately our efforts didn’t result in a win for our first game. We played Our Savior, fought a good fight but came out with a loss with the final score of 17 to 7. But we’re not going to let that dampen our spirits. We had a week off for the Memorial Day holiday weekend and then we’re back to playing on Sunday, June 2nd when we play Green Bay Community 1 at 5:30pm on Field 3. We hope that you can join us and cheer us on!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

May 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix unfortunately were unable to gather on April 4th because the snowstorm two days prior on April 2nd knocked the power out at the restaurant and they were still in the dark waiting for their power to return. So the plan for the May gathering is to try it again in the hopes that their won’t be any more snowstorms and the power will be on this time. We’ll gather Thursday, May 2nd at 6pm where we were supposed to gather in April at Narrow Bridge Plate + Pour located on the West side of town at 2840 Shawano Avenue. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

April Fourth Sunday Forum

On Sunday April 28th we wrapped up our program year with our final Fourth Sunday Forum. We were fortunate to have Ellen Smith speak, a member of our congregation and long-time mission co-worker for the PC(USA) to Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. Ellen’s presentation “Seeking Hope From the Margins” provided an update on her recent travels and what they prompt her to pray and think about.

Henry Holl’s Baptism

On April 21st Henry Holl received the sacrament of baptism. Baptism is one of just two sacraments in our Presbyterian tradition and is always a blessing as we welcome a new person into the family of God. Henry’s loving big brother, Peter, stood with proud parents Bobbi and David along with extended family and friends for this special occasion. Check out our photo gallery!

Augusta Jeffrey 2024 Awarded

On April 21st we presented Becky Christiansen with the 2024 Augusta Jeffrey Award. She was nominated by several Session members who noted her exemplary service as Clerk of Session for the last two years. While much of her volunteer work is behind the scenes and not visible to the whole congregation, we all benefit greatly from her commitment and diligence. Thank you, Becky!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

April 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had an amazing social in March when we dined at Hagemeister Park Restaurant. There were 6 Chix in attendance with one being a newbie Chick. The social is ALWAYS open to new Chix joining the fun! The service was great (we heard that it might not be but it was) and the food was amazing with the conversation even even better! Our April social is planned on the West side for Thursday, April 4th at 6pm at Narrow Bridge Plate + Pour located on the west side at 2840 Shawano Avenue. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

March Fourth Sunday Forum

Nancy Siewert presented an informative Fourth Sunday Forum on March 24th regarding “period poverty” and menstrual equity. Her focus was on these issues in the United States, though they affect women worldwide of course. We learned that 20% of American teen girls live in poverty and struggle to obtain the feminine hygiene products necessary for their monthly cycles. We also heard that the state of Wisconsin does not require prisons and juvenile detention centers to provide feminine hygiene products to inmates, and Nancy shared some anecdotes about correction centers using the withholding of such products as punishment. It was an eye-opening Forum, and the women of Esther Circle are very grateful for the good response to their collection of products to be donated to St. John’s women’s shelter.

Lydia Morien’s Baptism

Lydia Ann Morien was baptized on Sunday March 17th. Her big sister Aubrey was thrilled to be part of it by pouring the water into the font, and Lydia was so eager to be baptized that she almost dove into the bowl! Lydia’s uncle (Brittany’s brother) as well as dear friends of Joel & Brittany stood as sponsors of her baptism. Lydia turns one this month, so we were pleased to get her baptized before she could run down the aisle on her own—she’s just that close to walking!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

March 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had an amazing social in February when we dined at White Dog, Local Green Bay Eatery. There were 9 Chix in attendance. The service was great, the food was fabulous and the conversation was even better! Our March social is planned for Thursday, March 7th at 6pm at Hagemeister Park Restaurant located at 325 N. Washington Street, downtown. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

Souper Bowl of Caring

Our Souper Bowl of Caring was a great time of food and fellowship! Using muffin tins with cup inserts this year (genius!) everyone had the opportunity to sample 8 amazing soups. The judging was tough because all were delicious! We had nearly 60 votes and the grand prize winner was chef Cassandra Aceituno with her stuffed pepper soup. Cassandra was awarded the golden ladle during worship on February 18th. We raised $387 for the Presbyterian Pantry. Thanks to everyone who attended and voted, and thanks to our amazing chefs— Cassandra Aceituno, George Hubbard, Al Smith, Lisa Olson, Joel Morien, Patty Kabacinski, Loni McCormick and Patti Mancheski. Thanks also to our CE Committee who made the event possible and to Mary Belanger who helped configure our crockpot outlets so we didn’t blow a circuit!

February Fourth Sunday Forum

Our Fourth Sunday Forum on February 25th featured a representative from NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) of Brown County. During the presentation, Jenna humanized the often misunderstood, highly stigmatized topic of mental illness by showing that it’s possible—and common—to live well with a mental health condition.

Cozy Kids

THANK YOU to everyone who made our Cozy Kids January Campaign such a success! This year our campaign benefited the kids of Presbyterian Pantry guests. The kids were so grateful for all the generous contributions! Our community of faith is truly blessed to have so many members who give back to our local community, especially to our friends and families in need that visit the Pantry.

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

February 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had an amazing social in January when we dined at Greystone and we had 9 Chix that attended. The service was great, the food was fabulous and the conversation was even better! Our February social is planned for Thursday, February 1st at 6pm at White Dog, Local Green Bay Eatery located at 201 S. Broadway Avenue. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

APCE Conference

During the week of January 22nd Joel attended the Association of Partners in Christian Education (APCE) annual event for pastors and educators. The experience was both spiritual and fulfilling. There were a myriad of different classes to choose from, all centered around this year’s theme “Let everyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift” from Revelation 22. There were worship services, keynote addresses and more. Thank you for making continuing education experiences possible for our staff.

New Ministry Luncheon

The new ministry luncheon on January 29th was well attended and there were a lot of great ideas shared by everyone. Next on the agenda is choosing a name for the group, so stay tuned for that. Beginning February 26th, the group will meet the fourth Monday of each month in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to join! If you’re able to attend the monthly luncheon, please bring a bag lunch. Desserts will be provided.

Annual Ski Trip

Our annual ski trip the last weekend of January was a great success! There were 31 people in attendance from our congregation and the congregation of First United Presbyterian Church of De Pere. This year Elliott and Max took on the challenge of the Black Diamond hill which has a higher level of difficulty than what they skied last year. The weather was beautiful for a day on the slopes and everyone walked away with no broken bones. Check out our photo gallery!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

January 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had an amazing social in December when we dined at Old Mexico Cantina & Grill and we had 6 Chix that attended. The service was great and the food was even better! Our January social is planned for Thursday, January 11th at 6pm at Greystone located at 3711 Monroe Road in East De Pere. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

Advent Workshop

Our Sanctuary was beautifully decorated for the first Sunday of Advent. Following worship we all moved to Banner Hall for our traditional Advent Workshop. THANK YOU to all who attended! We packed 75 socks of love for St. John’s Shelter guests and Kevin’s chili was delicious as always. Check out our photo Gallery!

Christmas Toy Shop

This year’s Toy Shop on December 12th for our Pantry guests was a great success! We served 79 families and gave away toys for 345 kids! Thank you to everyone for your generous support with monetary gifts and toys, and special THANKS to our elves that were personal shoppers. Thanks to everyone’s support there’s 345 kids who found presents under the tree on Christmas morning! Check out our photo gallery!

Thank you Red Lobster!

A BIG thank you to Red Lobster Manager, James, for his team’s generous donation to our Toy Shop of more than 50 toys! Each year we’re blessed with their generosity and this year there was another overflowing dolly with toys. Red Lobster also donates frozen potatoes, salmon and Red Lobster biscuits on a weekly basis to our Pantry.

Christmas Prayer Baskets

Our three adopted families had a beautiful Christmas thanks to so many wonderful people! All the tags were taken from our baskets to fill each family’s wish lists. Many people within the church and several outside of our church helped make this possible. The Outreach Committee thanks everyone so much for the wonderful presents and for spreading joy! Special thanks to our family coordinators: Patti & Kevin Kabacinski for the Angel Family, Olivia Crooks for the Jesus Family and Lisa Olson for the Star Family.

Youth Lock-In

The Youth Group had their annual lock-in on the weekend of December 15th and wrapped all the Christmas Prayer Basket gifts. It was a great night of fellowship filled with games and fun plus reflection on how fortunate we are for all the gifts in our life. Special thanks to Mike Melton for providing the group with an amazing breakfast!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

December 2023 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had an amazing social in November when we dined at Luigi’s Italian Bistro. We had 11 Chix that attended. The waitress was phenomenal and the food was absolutely delicious! Our December social is planned for Thursday, December 7th at 6pm at Old Mexico Cantina & Grill located at 11884 Velp Avenue in Suamico. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

Trunk-or-Treat was so Sweet!

We had 11 trunks participate in this year’s Trunk-or-Treat and Jane Bies kept count and said we had 200 kids! They were lined up and ready as soon as we opened our trunks at 4pm and kept right on coming until 5pm. Church provided hot chocolate to keep the trunk hosts warm. Michele Erickson came to the rescue of many of us who ran out of candy, as she had lots to share! Check out our photo Gallery!

Thanksgiving Worship Service & Dinner Celebration

We Gathered Together! Our joint service of thanksgiving was held on Saturday, November 18th at First United Presbyterian Church in De Pere. Sixteen voices in our combined choir shared a lovely seasonal anthem. The service was followed by a delicious turkey dinner for everyone present, and the dessert table was overflowing with treats from our congregation. Check out our photo gallery!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

November 2023 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had an amazing social in October when we dined at Nakashima’s Restaurant. We had 5 Chix that attended. The food preparation was quite entertaining and very delicious! Our November social is planned for Thursday, November 2nd at 6pm at Luigi’s Italian Bistro located at 2733 Manitowoc Road in Green Bay. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

Confirmation Class Apple Crisp Bakers

On October 15th our confirmation class and the Deacons hosted our 2nd annual apple crisp bakeoff. There were 60 pounds of apples that were peeled and cored to make the ten apple crisps that were provided to ten members of the congregation. Thank you to everyone who participated and who made this event so fun and successful!

October 4th—Fourth Sunday Forum recap

Jim Schmitt from the New Community Shelter provided an overview of the programs offered and the needs at this local agency. The Shelter offers lfe-changing programs to help people help themselves. Programs include transitional living and emergency shelter to their 100 residents and community meals are provided to residents and members of the community. The life circumstance that lead to homelessness are different for every individual. But every individual’s goal at New Community Shelter remains the same—achieving self-sufficiency through self-empowerment.

Global Food Potluck Lunch

From Swedish meatballs to Indian Curry to Danish apple cake, we had the delicious opportunity on October 1st to share foods from all over the world as we continued the celebration of World Communion Sunday with a Global Foods potluck. Thanks to all who provided such varied dishes and all who joined us to try them!

Fall Clean-up Thanks!

A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers who supported our fall cleanup day on Saturday, October 21st. The day was dreary and wet, starting with rain but the rain let up and we were able to get to work. Cleaning windows is always the best on cloudy days so the weather was perfect for that chore. Mary had helping hands from Judy Knutzen-Nerad, David Anderson, Pat and Loni McCormick, Bobbi and Peter Holl, Kirke Ryder, Dave and Lisa Solper and Katie Estes. Check out our photo gallery!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

October 2023 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had an amazing social in September when our outstanding hostess, Sue Russell, welcomed everyone into her home. The weather was chilly so we ate inside but the food was fabulous! Our October social is planned for Thursday, October 12th at 6pm at Nakishima’s located at 2200 Holmgren Way in Green Bay. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

Tank Back to School 2023 Campaign

Tank Back-to-School

The Tank Back-to-School Drive was so successful! Many kids will benefit from the backpacks and school supplies and a check was also given which will allow the staff to purchase whatever else is needed. Members of First Presbyterian were once again very generous as we filled Stephanie Fahringer’s jeep and delivered everything before school started. THANK YOU to everyone for your generosity!

Carpenter Local 1146 Pantry Donation

Thank you Carpenters Local 1146!

On August 25th the Carpenters Local 1146 hosted their summer picnic and asked union members to bring a donation for the Presbyterian Pantry. Two full flatbeds of groceries were donated but the generosity didn’t stop there. More than $300 was collected from the event. Bartenders donated their tips, there were cash donations and there was a 50/50 raffle. A special thank you to union representative, Steve Dorvinen, who helped make it all possible!

Blessings of the Backpacks

Due to rain and cool temps, our outdoor worship had to be moved inside on September 10th, but we still blessed more than 20 backpacks and celebrated God’s marvelous creation with a fun story sermon and great guitar music. The ice cream social following the service was also a big hit.

Fourth Sunday Forum recap

We were delighted to host International Peacemaker Noemi Sanchez and her interpreter Leslie Vogel on September 24 for an informative presentation on her ministry in El Salvador. Noemi also visited Spanish classes at UWGB, Memorial Presbyterian Church in Appleton, Covenant Community Church in Schofield, and presented at the Winnebago Presbytery meeting in Marshfield. Special thanks to Al and Ellen Smith for all their work in coordinating the visit and hosting our guests.

2 for 2 @ the U

Our event for UWGB students held annually at the Mauthe Center was a huge success! We served sloppy joes (including vegan) and the roasters were empty by the end of the evening. Thank you to all the volunteers who provided all the side dishes and desserts too! The students were all very kind, appreciative and happy to see us. We had approximately 40 students in attendance. A big thank you and shout out to our servers: Mark, Georgiana, Lori, Lisa, Joel, Stephanie, Donna and Leslie! And, thank you to the Mauthe Center for inviting us. We look forward to seeing you in February when our next 2 for 2 @ the U will take place. Check out our photo gallery from the event!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!