Generosity Sunday – Grazie, Grazie, Molte Grazie!

Commitment Sunday Spaghetti Dinner

Spaghetti Dinner October 22nd

Imagine red-and-white checked tablecloths, wine bottle centerpieces with dripping candles, and waiters in berets and mustaches…what?

Sunday, October 22nd is Generosity Sunday, the conclusion of our “I’m In!” pledge campaign toward the 2024 budget for our congregation.

The Generosity Team wants to say “grazie” to all who have contributed to make it happen, from video participants to pledgers to volunteers throughout our church, so we’re hosting an Italian dinner to thank you all.

Following our service of worship, everyone is invited to Banner Hall for a spaghetti dinner featuring marinara and Bolognese sauce, garlic bread, and salad. Dessert is a special Italian surprise!

Please sign up on the bulletin board so we know how much food to prepare!