“I’m In!”

I'm In! Generosity 2024 Campaign

We say “I’m in!” when we have a commitment to something, when we are enthusiastic about it, when we approve of it. We say “I’m in!” when we want to be included in something, or when we feel like we are already part of it. Continuing our emphasis on the amazing generosity of our church, we want to encourage members to say “I’m in!” for the ministry and mission of this congregation with their financial commitments as well as their contributions of time and talent for the calendar year 2024.

Each week of the month, our service of worship will focus on being “in” in a different way. On October 1, World Communion Sunday, we will consider how we are invited to the Lord’s table, invited to make a commitment to our church, and invited to participate in the mission here. Other weeks will have us addressing how we are included and how we include others, how we are involved in various ways, in what ways we are inspired in this place and in our lives, how we invest in the church, what captures our hearts and makes us say that we are “in”.

Watch for a mailing toward the middle of the month that will include a “best guess” representation of where our church will spend our money in 2024, as well as a pledge card for you to use in making your own commitment. Generosity Sunday is set for October 22, when we will all say “I’m in!” and join together for a celebratory meal.

Thanks for your generosity, your involvement, your commitment to our future together in God’s good world. It is good to be “In” this together.