Letter Carriers Food Drive 2024

Letter Carriers Food Drive

The Letter Carriers food drive is on Saturday – May 11, 2024. We need to supply two individuals to help out at the Cofrin post office that day (this is very important, as if we don’t provide people, we will not be able to participate in the food drive next year).

Volunteers are needed at 9:00am and will be given a route to pick up food on. Stephanie Fahringer and Al Smith will be loading the bags into totes but we could really use donations of paper shopping bags, preferably with handles.

We are also in need of four people to help at church at 3:00pm that day by unloading, sorting, and putting away the food that our Presbyterian Pantry receives.

Please contact Gene Stenson at 920-241-4370 if you are able to help. Thank you for your support!