FirstPresGB Softball Team takes home the Championship!!
CONGRATULATIONS to our #FirstPresGB softball team who knocked the Championship game out of the park with a victory of 10 to 6 over Mannifest. We are the #1 CHAMPIONS of the Division 2 – 2022 Christian Softball League! Great job, team!
THANK YOU to all the players for a great season. And a BIG thank you to all the fans who showed up for our games and showed their support. We couldn’t have done it without YOU!
Synod School 2022
We were pleased to have so many members in attendance at the 2022 Synod School that was themed “Experiencing Belonging“…so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually, we are members one of another.” Romans 12:5
Our youth group was part of 540 people in attendance. We learned what it meant to be a part of the body of Christ and to belong to one another. In the spirit of Christ’s community, we walked through biblical experiences of belonging. Exploring the communities, we found membership within, and we discovered how we can belong to one another and to Christ more fully. Everyone came home with an eagerness to attend again in 2023.
Change of addresses
Don and Nina Lundin have had a change of address and Harland Merrill has also had a change of address. If you’d like to make note of their new address, please call the office at (920) 437-8121 or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org and we’ll be happy to provide you with the updates.
Brat Fry Thanks!
THANK YOU to everyone who came out and supported our two Brat Fries on August 14th and 28th. Thanks to your support we raised $1056 for the Youth Group and Presbyterian Pantry.