On this Third Sunday after Epiphany, we continue to look at the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry with our text from Luke 4: 14-21 https://bit.ly/4jrdVMs. Pastor Katie will preach on “Today is the Day!”
Annual Meeting of the Congregation 2025
Sunday, February 9th is an important day in the life of our congregation as we hold our Annual Congregational Meeting to review 2024 and look forward to plans and dreams for 2025.
The annual report, available in print and digitally by February 2nd, will include reports of committees, statistics, and financials including the approved budget for 2025.
As a congregation we will vote on changes in the terms of call for our Pastor. The meeting will take place immediately following the 10:00am worship service in the Sanctuary, and all members are encouraged to attend.
Please note that while our worship service will be livestreamed as usual, we apologize that we cannot livestream the Annual Meeting due to the confidentiality of certain portions of the meeting. If you cannot be with us in person, feel free to contact any member of the Session with any questions or concerns you may have.
Session and Deacons at Prayer
The Session (governing body of the church) and Deacons (membership care) are beginning a new program of praying for our entire congregation through the calendar year 2025.
At each meeting of the groups, they will take time to pray for between 10 and 12 family units/households of our membership, so that everyone will be specifically prayed for over the course of the year.
If you have been prayed for by the Session or the Deacons, expect a card in the mail indicating it.
If you have particular prayer requests or concerns to share, please pass those on (as always) to Pastor Katie for inclusion on our prayer lists or complete the online form.
2025 Augusta Jeffrey Award
The Augusta Jeffrey recognition award is presented each year to a member of the congregation for outstanding volunteer efforts within the church and through its programs.
Nominations for 2025 are now being accepted throughout the month of February.
You may nominate more than one person. To be accepted for consideration, the nomination form must be filled out completely.
During the first week of March, nomination forms will be reviewed and a winner will be selected.
Winners of the Augusta Jeffrey Award designate an area of ministry in which the church is engaged that they choose to receive a financial boost.
Nominations forms can be completed and submitted online. Nominate Now!
Or, if you’d rather submit the nomination(s) offline, please complete the 2025 Nomination Form that can be found in the back of the Sanctuary and return to the office at 200 S. Ashland Avenue, 54303 by the deadline of February 28th.
Super Bowl of Caring 2025
February 9, 2025
As Super Bowl Sunday approaches that means it’s time for our annual Souper Bowl of Caring!
It’s an annual event where communities come together, inspired by the Super Bowl, to tackle hunger locally. For over three decades, the Souper Bowl of Caring has empowered individuals, organizations, and schools to raise food and funds for food banks and community-based charities.
As millions of people tune in to watch the Super Bowl, we’re also tuning in to the needs of our neighbors. The Souper Bowl of Caring is about taking action to fight hunger at the local level, ensuring that no one has to go without the food they need.
Our #FirstPresGB Souper Bowl of Caring is led by the Christian Education Committee along with Youth Group and is held annually on Super Bowl Sunday. The event is meant to bring an awareness to hunger and to curb hunger through soup. The cost will be $5 per person and there will be 8 different soup stations for people to experience. Each soup sampler will have a chance to vote and judge our Souper Bowl winner.
We invite each person to bring a muffin tin to hold the soup samples. (One muffin tin per person.) Disposable cups will be available to place in your muffin tin to avoid the mess. You will be asked to try all the soups but you can only vote for one. The Souper Bowl awardee will receive the cherished Golden Ladle that’s passed on year after year to the awarded winner. The current Golden Ladle holder from our 2024 Souper Bowl of Caring was chef Cassandra Aceituno with her stuffed pepper soup.
There’s no need to sign up—ALL are welcome—we hope to see you there!
An Evening in the Highlands 2025
Mark your calendar for February 28th at 6pm and make your reservations for our 4th annual “Evening in the Highlands” gathering! It’s returning to the Green Bay Distillery located at 835 Mike McCarthy Way. Join us for a very special evening celebrating the music, poetry, and dance of Scotland and Ireland in a one-of-a-kind event.
Entertainment will include the Irish Heritage Dancers, a Piper, trivia, games, haggis, raffles, and much more! Dinner will be served at 6:30pm and includes family-style broasted chicken and baked cod with stuffing/dressing, potatoes (baby red, garlic, and mashed), California style vegetable, coleslaw, rolls, coffee and tea.
Dress is business casual with a Scottish theme.
Tickets for the dinner and program are $50 per person. Register Now!
Before the dinner beginning at 5pm, Bruce Deadman and friends will be holding forth with “Mixology 101, or What Is An Old Fashioned Presbyterian And Why Do They Call It That?” This will include a discussion of mixology basics as well as teaching participants how to make (and consume) a perfect Old Fashioned Pres and 2 other super cocktails. Tickets for this are $25 per adult. Purchase Tickets Now!
You can also find the reservation links on First United Presbyterian Church of De Pere’s website under Give Now.
You’ll enjoy an incredible evening and help raise funds to support the Ecumenical Partnership for Housing. Reservations are due by February 20th, so get your tickets today.
Don’t miss this very special evening!
February 2025 Fourth Sunday Forum
Please join us for our February Fourth Sunday Forum which takes place at 9am before worship on Sunday, February 23rd.
Our speaker for the month will be Jamie DeLorey who’ll present Essential Oils of the Bible.
Essential oils, as we know them today, were described in the Bible many times. From Myrrh and frankincense as gifts for Jesus when he was a baby, to the oil that was rubbed on his feet as an adult. The Bible mentions various fragrant substances and oils that were used for anointing, healing, and other religious rituals.
Come explore other essential oils in the bible with us and dive deeper into what essential oils were used and some that are still available today!
Scout Sunday 2025
February 16th
Calling all scouts: young, old, and in-between!
A Sunday in February is usually set aside to lift up and celebrate scouting in our midst. We have invited the scout troop who meet in our facility to join us for worship and we will recognize them and offer a blessing. We also hope to include others in our congregation who are currently involved or have been involved in the past in the Scouts program.
If you were or are a Scout, please wear your shirt or other garb and help us in this celebration.
We hope to see you then!
Worship Service January 19, 2025
On this second Sunday after Epiphany, we are looking at the story of Jesus’ first miracle as he changes water into wine at the wedding at Cana. Our text is John 2: 1-11 https://bit.ly/3PzJIgD and Pastor Katie will reflect on “How Much Is Enough?”
Worship Service January 12, 2025
This Sunday, January 9th, we commemorate the Baptism of the Lord with a reaffirmation of our own baptism as we share the story from the gospel in Luke 3: 15-17,21-22 https://bit.ly/408OK8z. Participants will be invited to the baptismal font to remember and celebrate. Pastor Katie will reflect on “Claimed and Called” and the choir will sing “Come to the Water”.