On Sunday July 16th we are privileged to ordain and install new deacons and elders for this congregation, and pleased that Bruce Deadman will provide special music on the euphonium for the service. Our scripture focus will be Romans 8: 1-11 https://bit.ly/43p7tfR and Pastor Katie will reflect on the question “What Will You Do?”
July 11, 2023 – Did you know?

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other. But how well do we know our church?
Here’s this week’s Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!
What year were furnaces installed to heat the church parlors?
On October 14, 1914 the Trustees minutes reflect that it was moved and seconded by Mr. DeForest and Mrs. Wilcox that the Brotherhood of the church be given the privilege of installing a furnace to heat the church parlors. The motion carried.
Thanks for playing!
We want you to do more than just play Did you know?, we’d also like you to contribute! If you have some church fun facts to share, please send those to Cheri at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org and we’ll have your contribution added to an upcoming Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!
Worship Service July 9, 2023
“Come to me, all you who that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Jesus’ words from Matthew 11: 25-30 https://bit.ly/3rkcQQc will focus our attention on the scriptural mandate to rest in these lazy days of summer, while Pastor Katie’s meditation “If the Yoke Fits” will help unpack a way to do it together as the family of faith.
Worship Service July 2, 2023
On this holiday weekend we will celebrate the sacrament of communion by intinction (dipping the bread into the cup) and focus on Psalm 63: 1-8 https://bit.ly/43XGfxQ and Matthew 10: 40-42 https://bit.ly/44k5uKw. Pastor Katie will reflect on “Overflowing Hospitality” and there will be a special gift for each person present in worship!
July 2023 Rundown

Church Chix Socials
The Chix had an amazing June social, dining at the Ten-O-One Club. There were 10 Chix in attendance and while service was slow, the food was delicisou! Our July social is planned for Thursday, July 6th at 6pm. We’ll dine at the Cheesesteak Rebellion located at 1301 S. Broadway. To RSVP email office@firstpresgreenbay.org or there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. Hope to see you then!
Softball Stats
We ended our 2022 Season as the Division Champions so we were moved up to the highest Division in the League for 2023. Although last season we knocked it out of the park, with our new Division placement we haven’t prevailed as often as we’d have liked with more losses than wins so far this year but we’re not going to let that get us down. Thank you to all who’ve come out to support our team on game day and for those who haven’t made it yet, please check out the schedule on the bulletin board and join us for an upcoming game. Hope to see you at the ballpark!
Outdoor Worship & Potluck Picnic
We had a spectacular Sunday for our outdoor worship service on June 18 and are grateful to the more than 50 people who attended. The orientation was turned around this year so that more people could set up chairs on the sidewalk and avoid the uneven grass. It also allowed us to see how many cars drove by on Ashland Ave and waved or honked as they noticed us! Fourteen members assisted with the story sermon about the Sower and the Seeds or ushered, read scripture, and sang for the service. Then we all joined together inside for a great picnic lunch. Let’s do it again in August!
Ginney Amen’s Celebration of Life
A celebration of our beloved Ginney Amen’s life was held on the occasion of what would have been her 104th birthday on June 9 at Lyndahl Funeral Home. While we were all sad not to have the opportunity to celebrate her here at her church, many members attended the visitation with her family and plenty of stories were shared. Ginney has completed her baptism and lives on in her heavenly home, thanks be to God!
Congregational Meeting
A congregational meeting was held on June 11 following worship to elect new deacons and elders. We also approved revisions to the Bylaws of the church, bringing them up to date regarding sizes of the boards, number of congregational meetings to be held each year, and other details. The updated bylaws are available for anyone to read—please contact the church office for a copy.
Gestures of Generosity, July 2023

Thank you for your Gesture!
We are blessed with so much generosity in our family of faith that it is hard to recognize it all!
In the past month the church has received special gifts from members to help pay for the new softball jerseys our team wears, a very generous contribution to help cover the cost of the new server for the computer system in the office, and several very helpful gifts to the Emergency Assistance fund that allows us to purchase gas cards and provide rent assistance to those in need.
The Outreach Committee reports that our response to the Pentecost offering, one of the four annual special offerings we receive for the PC(USA), was the largest in recent years by a huge margin!
This offering is divided, with 60% going to denominational programs that support children and youth especially, and 40% remaining in our local community to be given to a program or agency that also supports young people in our midst. The committee decided to divide this portion of the offering between a new YMCA program for children on the autism spectrum and sponsorship of Fly A Kite Fest 2023 with Family and Childcare Resources of N.E.W. That event was held on Saturday, June 24 and celebrated its tenth year. Our church name was included in advertising and flew on a flag at the event grounds. Your generosity to the Pentecost offering allowed us to be generous with both these excellent programs in our community.

Also, the Presbyterian Pantry was given thirteen cases of canned veggies from Brown County United Way. This is a gift of their annual campaign to help all the pantries in the area. A special thanks to Sierra who serves as the co-coordinator for this event.
If you have a Gestures of Generosity story to share, please contact Cheri at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org and tell us your story.
Worship Service June 25, 2023
On this last Sunday of June, we will consider what Jesus has to say about fear as we read Matthew 10: 26-31 https://bit.ly/3Jppx21 and Psalm 27: 1-4, 11-14 https://bit.ly/44cdmOg. Pastor Katie will reflect on “Fear and Faith.” We are pleased to have Kris Melton providing our piano accompaniment.
2023 Youth Pool Party

Calling all #FirstPresGB Youth!
Youth Group may have started their summer hiatus but why go the whole summer without seeing each other? Join us for our annual Youth Pool Party!
Bring your friends – the more the merrier!
Our hostess, Loni McCormick, invites all youth to her home on Thursday, July 20th from 1p till 4, 4:30p. Loni will provide the beverages, but youth are asked to bring a snack to share.
We’re hoping for a warm summer day to relax in or by the pool to have some fun, play some games, splash around and take time to reconnect over the summer. So, grab your sunglasses, swimsuit, pool toys and a snack to share and join the fun at Loni’s pool!
For questions please contact Loni at (920) 655-8258 or pmccormick1@new.rr.com or contact Joel Morien at (920) 437-8121 or email ce@firstpresgreenbay.org.
We hope to see you poolside!
July 2023 – Faith Facts:

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other, our Did you know? Tuesday Trivia! shows us how well we know our church but we’re pleased to ask yet another question—How well do we know our faith?
Well, we’re excited to tell you that our newest newsletter feature is Faith Facts: which aims to tell us just how well we know our faith. Our July Faith Facts is courtesy of Russ Christensen. Thank you, Russ, for your contribution!
Are you ready to play?
Why do Presbyterian Churches have names like “First”, “Second” or are named after a street, or are named after a city?
(choose one or more of the following answers)
A) Presbyterians lack imagination so they stay with names of numbers, streets or perhaps a name such as “Memorial” or the town which it is located in
B) A) Presbyterians are known for “keeping things in order”. If a Presbyterian congregation is chartered first in a town, they have naming rights to using the word “First”, the second one in town then becomes “Second” and so on. Or perhaps if the “Second” congregation doesn’t like being second, they will name their church after the street they are located on or another non-competitive ranking name.
C) Sometimes its just best to keep things simple. If the name of the church is “Main Street” or named after the city it’s located in, it’s easier to find.
D) Both A & B
E) ALL of the above
F) None of the above
Did you guess correct, or did you learn something new?
Thanks for playing!
If you have Presbyterian faith facts to share, please contact Pastor Katie at kestes@firstpresgreenbay.org and become a contributor to an upcoming Faith Facts:
June 20, 2023 – Did you know?

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other. But how well do we know our church?
Here’s this week’s Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!
From the minutes of the Young People’s Association on September 30, 1889 “…as there was no particular business before the Society the remainder of the evening was spent playing cards.”
FALSE: From the minutes of Young People’s Association, September 30, 1889 “….as there was no particular business before the Society the Program Committee were called upon and during the remainder of the evening entertained us with some very fine charades. The charades numbered five and were of high order. Mr. Charles Kerr carried off the honors as his acting was so original and funny. Miss Clara Austin did some acting and carried our her part exceedingly well. Last, but not least, was Miss Jennie Dunn, who acted her part well notwithstanding she is very bashful. She showed much talent and with practice in time will make her mark.”
Has your Committee or Session played charades when you were done with your meeting business? Something to think about…be sure to put that in your meeting minutes if you do!
Thanks for playing!
We want you to do more than just play Did you know?, we’d also like you to contribute! If you have some church fun facts to share, please send those to Cheri at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org and we’ll have your contribution added to an upcoming Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!