This Sunday, June 2, we shift fully into summer mode with a new sermon series called “The Gospel According to…” that will focus on finding theology and faith in popular culture. We begin by looking at the much-loved comic strip of the Peanuts, with Pastor Katie’s reflection on “We Need Each Other”. Our scripture is 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27, and we will share the sacrament of communion by intinction.
Congratulations 2024 Graduates!

Graduation Sunday, June 9th
Join us on Sunday, June 9th at 10am worship service as we recognize this year’s high school graduates, Nana Berko and Gaby Jimenez. The fellowship hour following worship will be a chance to congratulate both graduates and continue the celebration.

Nana graduated on May 29th from Xavier High School in Appleton. She will be attending Macalester College where she’ll study Biology/Pre-med. She was awarded the Catherine Lealtad Scholarship. Dr. Catherine Lealtad was Macalester’s First African-American graduate. The scholarship exists to honor Dr. Lealtad for her life-time of service to the medical profession and her community, which reflects Macalester’s traditions of academic excellence and service to others. While in high school Nana participated in varsity tennis, soccer, varsity mock trial team, wind ensemble, National Honors Society, French Honors Society and French club. Her favorite high school memory was senior year homecoming with friends.
Gaby graduated early on January 22, 2024 from Preble High School and plans to attend the Empire Beauty School. Her goal following her secondary education is to own her own beauty salon. During high school Gaby was active in choir and her favorite high school memory is all those memories made with friends through the years.
2024 Annual Congregational Meeting

June 2nd
The Session of First Presbyterian Church has called a meeting of the congregation for Sunday, June 2nd immediately following the worship service in the Sanctuary.
All members of the congregation are encouraged to attend and vote. The purpose of this meeting will be to elect two new elders and one new deacon to serve the church, and to approve a simple change to our By-laws.
The Congregational Meeting will not be livestreamed so if you’d like to join us for the meeting, please attend in person.
Parking lot to be resurfaced soon

Mark your calendars and plan accordingly—the entire church parking lot will be roped off and inaccessible for the days of Thursday June 13th and Friday June 14th while we clean, re-surface and re-stripe it.
This will not affect any Sunday parking, but we want to be sure everyone is aware of the dates so you don’t plan to stop by the church during that time. If you must come to the church on either of those days, please plan to park on the street nearby and walk over the yard to access the building.
This does include the areas of our lot on the alley as well. And in case you were wondering, the new parking spaces will be slightly wider than the previous spacing—hooray!
Pantry Food Needs

Thank you to everyone who supports our Presbyterian Pantry with your food donations.
Recently, we’ve received several donations that had exceeded or were about to exceed the expiration dates. Please check all donations for the expiration date before dropping off your food item. Sadly we’ve had to throw away a considerable amount of food that was near to or past its expiration date. Pantry volunteers ask that you place any donations in the shopping cart in the narthex (no glass items please).
Thank you for all your support! We are grateful to be gifted with all your help!
June Senior Moments Event

Our senior adult fellowship group, Senior Moments, is going to the NEW Zoo on Monday, June 24th—all are welcome to join us! We will gather at 11:30am at the zoo entrance at 4378 Reforestation Road in Suamico.
Please bring a lunch for yourself and plan to pay for your own zoo admission. Senior tickets are $9.00 each. For more information, contact Nancy Siewert at 920-609-2051.
2024 Outdoor Worship & Potluck Picnic

Sunday, June 23rd
It’s time for our annual outdoor worship service and potluck picnic!

Don’t miss this joyous event on Sunday, June 23rd at 10am on the front lawn of the church. Bring your own lawn chair if you can or use one of the chairs we will set on the sidewalks.
The service is casual and fun, a great opportunity to bring your friends and neighbors or grandchildren to worship with us. Our story-sermon will focus on the wonderful tale of Jonah, and volunteers to help are still needed—talk to Pastor Katie if you’d like to join in.
The Worship Committee will provide hotdogs on the grill as well as condiments, plates/tableware, and beverages.
Please bring a picnic side dish to share. We will serve food in the Fellowship Room and have places inside and outside for eating. Unfortunately, we are unable to livestream this worship service, so please come in person.
Cemetery Plots Available

No one likes to think about it, but have you made decisions about your final resting place when your time on earth is over? Think what a gift you’d be giving your survivors if all of that was planned and taken care of!
We have a special opportunity for you: Over the years, our church has been gifted a number of cemetery plots at Nicolet Memorial Park and Gardens at 2770 Bay Settlement Road in Green Bay and we’d like to sell them.
Would you or anyone you know be interested in purchasing cemetery plots at a steep discount? We currently have four plots together in one area of the park and two together in another area. We’d be happy to talk with you about any or all of these. Please see Pastor Katie or Finance chair, Joe Bruette, for more information.
Confirmation Class Cookout

Current Confirmation students and their mentors are invited to a special summer gathering at the home of George Hubbard on Saturday, June 15th beginning at 5:00pm.
We don’t have regular confirmation classes through the summer months, but in order to stay connected and continue our journey together, we have planned a number of special events scattered throughout the summer for fun and fellowship.
For this event, youth and mentors are asked to bring a picnic side dish to share. George will provide our main dish as well as games and beverages. Transportation will be available from the church for anyone who needs it—contact Joel or Pastor Katie for more information.
Don’t miss it!
Helping Vulnerable Kids

We have been invited to collect personal hygiene items for children and youth who enter the Child Protective Services and Foster Care systems in Brown County this month.
Friends of Pals, Youth and Families indicates that over 300 children and youth in Brown County are in out-of-home care currently, and they often arrive in these settings with little or no personal hygiene items.
Suggestions include full-size child/youth-friendly soap, shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, deodorant, diapers, feminine hygiene products, combs & brushes, facial tissue, lotion, nail kits, Q-Tips, Vaseline, bubble bath, basic first aid supplies, hair ties/barrettes, etc.
Could you pick up a few items from this list to help vulnerable kids in our area?
A box will be available at the back of the Sanctuary for the month of June or you may leave items in the church office during the week.
Thank you for your generosity!