Lydia Ann Morien was born on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 10:10 pm weighing 7 lb, 8 oz and measuring 19 ¾ inches long.
Some of you may have met Lydia when she made her first appearance at church on Easter Sunday. So far, she’s attended every Sunday of her life! Now how many of us can say that?
Brittany is fortunate to have maternity leave through August when she returns to the classroom which is a good thing because she’s a little sleep deprived with Lydia eating every three hours. We’re told that she’s a very good eater. She eats a lot and eats fast. Mom and Dad are trying to get her to slow down a little there.
Aubrey is adjusting to her role as big sister. She’s starting to notice the difference in having a baby sister added to her daily routine. An amazing helper with handing wipes and diapers to Mom and Dad, Aubrey is also known to kiss Lydia’s head and give her gentle hugs whenever she can.
And Lydia has found her voice. When you next see Mom or Dad ask to view the video of dear little Lydia grunting. During waking hours, Lydia passes time with grunt conversation – she’s a grunter!
Mom – Brittany, Dad – Joel, and Big Sister – Aubrey are all at home and healthy and happy! CONGRATULATIONS!!