Church Chix Socials
The Chix had an amazing May social, dining at Parker John’s. There were 9 Chix in attendance and what a memorable night of laughter it was! Our June social is planned for Thursday, June 1st at 6pm. We’ll dine at the Ten-O-One Club located at 1001 Main Street. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org and we’ll save a seat at the table for you. Hope to see you then!
Christian Educator Sunday
We had a joyful time on May 21st when we celebrated our teachers and leaders during Christian Educator recognition Sunday. And, the puppet performance added an amazing experience to our worship service that was enjoyed by all. Thank you again to Brenda Hubbard, Lisa Olson, Sara Bostedt, Loni McCormick, Deb Gauthier, Stacy Bostedt, Olivia Crooks, Jessica Gauthier, DeShawn Estes Collins, Grace Estes Collins, Bobbi Holl, Jill Stenson, Nancy Siewert, Joel Morien and Katie Estes!
Letter Carriers and Boy Scout Food Drive
The Boy Scout food drive in April and the Letter Carriers drive in May sure filled our Pantry. The Pantry crew thanks all who helped pick-up, sort and put away all the food. The Outreach Committee really appreciates all your help and so do our Pantry guests! The many new items offered surely brings smiles to many.
Softball Stats
We had a grand slam time at our first game on May 21st but walked away with a disappointing loss of 17 to 20. Our spirits are still high though as we look forward to our next game on June 4 at 6:45, Field 2. We hope to see you there!