Church Chix Gather July 11, 2024

Church Chix

Please join us, women of all ages, for our July Church Chix Social on Thursday, July 11th!

Our dinner reservation is for 6:00pm and we’ll dine on the West side of town at Parker John’s BBQ & Pizza located at 2851 S. Oneida Street.

Some Chix like to meet up for a cocktail the hour before dinner so that’s always an option and before our evening wraps up we’ll decide where next month’s dinner will be, trying our best to alternate the east side of town with the west side of town. No monthly commitment required.

To attend, you can email an RSVP to or there’s a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.

For more information, please contact the office at (920) 437-8121.

So, if you haven’t already RSVP’d, do it today and join the Church Chix July social for a great night of laughter that’s sure to be memorable!