Generosity Defined

What does it mean to be a generous person? Generosity is defined as the spirit and action of freely and frequently giving to others.

During this season of giving – as we contemplate our own pledge to the church for the coming year – we’re exploring how we’ve been called to be generous in our lives of faith. After all, Jesus talked about generosity often in his parables and sermons.

Did you know that giving is actually good for you? There’s science to back this idea up! Studies have shown that giving of your time, your talent and your treasure benefits the giver in multiple ways:

Giving makes us feel happy; it actually activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure and releases endorphins which improve our sense of well-being.
• Giving is good for our health. It’s been shown to lessen stress, a risk factor for high blood pressure, heart disease, and other conditions.
• And giving is contagious. Think about our pay it forward campaign from a few years ago and the people who picked up on the idea and did something similar.

But don’t just take science’s word for it. Listen to what your fellow church members have to say about how giving has positively affected their lives.

Kirke Ryder says that being generous – whether it be through the giving of his time, money or expertise – makes him feel happier because he knows he’s helping make the world be a better place. He says he finds it very rewarding, pointing to his support of Feed My Starving Children for the past nine years. Knowing that he’s helped feed countless children and turned their lives around for the better is a feeling of joy that Kirke says can’t be matched.

Judy Knutzen-Nerad knows that exact same feeling. She says being generous gives her tremendous joy because she knows she’s making a difference in someone else’s life. Even more than the tangible gift being given, Judy believes it’s the love the person feels that’s the real benefit, knowing that someone cares and that they are not alone in their time of need.

Even the smallest among us understands this joy. Loni McCormick’s granddaughter Grace recently gave her a gift of love that warms both their hearts. Grace spent an entire afternoon drawing Loni a picture, and then cutting it up into little pieces and placing them in a Valentine box. Grace wanted Loni to have all those little pieces of her artwork because she knew they would make Grandma happy and show how much she loved her. The box sits on Loni’s headboard, quietly awaiting the next gift of specialness from Grandma’s sweet girl.

In economic terms, giving means we have less than what we started with, but science, the Bible and our fellow church members teach us that when we give to others, we gain. In Acts chapter 20, verse 35 we hear the words of Jesus who said, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” This heartwarming quote reminds us that giving to the church to help us fulfill our mission can bring a great sense of fulfillment and joy to the giver.

The story of Jesus’ ministry is filled with examples of generosity. Jesus sets a high standard of giving and caring for others. As we learn how to adopt gestures of generosity, let us continue to look to Jesus as the ultimate expression of generosity and sacrifice.

October 17, 2022 Name that Member BIG REVEAL!

Name that Member

Earlier this week we featured our Monday Member Spotlight Name that Member through email and on our social media and now it’s time for the BIG REVEAL! In case you missed it, here’s our Member’s story:

  • I was born and raised in Winneconne, Wisconsin
  • My favorite childhood memory is playing night games with neighborhood friends. We played kick-the-can, ghost in the graveyard and sardines among others
  • I come from a single parent family
  • I’m mechanically inclined
  • I enjoy playing Magic the Gathering
  • I served in the AmeriCorps
  • I love my profession and am passionate about the work that I do
  • What I love most about being a member of the church is the community and seeing how we serve outside of the church building
  • I’ve fixed or repaired 3 Pontiacs and drove all of them for over 200,000 miles so I either like to work on cars or I’m poor, or both
  • I’m a diehard Brewer fan and enjoy playing slow pitch softball
  • Once when I sat in the front row next to the visitors box at a Brewer game there was an outstanding play followed by 3rd baseman, Bill Hall, throwing me the ball that was played
  • I’m also most passionate about my football team, the Badgers and the Bucks
  • In my youth I was a Collegiate Track and Field athlete
  • It may be hard to picture today, but once upon a time, I had long curly hair

Who am I?

Do you give up?

I’m Joel Morien!

Did you guess correct? What gave it away?

Tell us your story! Complete our Name that Member Form or email so you can be featured in an upcoming Monday Member Spotlight of Name that Member!

October 2022 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

N.E.W. Pride Alive Festival

It was a cool and cloudy, sometimes even rainy, day at the Brown County fairgrounds for this year’s N.E.W. Pride Festival, but the rainbows and smiles and hugs overcame the weather and brightened hearts and lives! Our welcoming churches booth was shared by five congregations including us, St. Anne’s Episcopal in DePere, Trinity Lutheran, Union Congregational and First Congregational in DePere. We gave out hugs and smiles, talked to lots of people who were thrilled to know of welcoming churches in our area, and we thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thanks to volunteers Al Smith, Grace Estes Collins, and Joel Morien for representing us.

Tank Back to School Drive

There was an overwhelming generous response to this year’s Tank Back to School Drive. THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the cause! And, we also had a true God moment when out of the blue Tank School requested clothing and we were fortunate to find 6 bags of gently used clothes that were looking for a home. Praise be to God! The clothes helped children who were in desperate need of basic clothing that we often take for granted.

The staff at Tank School express their sincere thanks to everyone who’s made a difference in the Tank kid’s lives. The Outreach Committee now looks forward toward our next Tank initiative of our annual Christmas Prayer Baskets. Stay tuned for more to come on that in November’s Connections newsletter.

September 26, 2022 Name that Member BIG REVEAL!

Name that Member

Earlier this week we featured our Monday Member Spotlight Name that Member through email and on our social media and now it’s time for the BIG REVEAL! In case you missed it, here’s our Member’s story:

  • I was born in Waterloo, Iowa and grew up in Hudson, about 15 miles south of Waterloo.
  • I was a 5 year letter winner in softball (starting in 8th grade).
  • I was active in basketball, band and tennis.
  • I was president of my class.
  • I attended the University of Northern Iowa where I majored in Elementary Education, Spanish, with a coaching minor.
  • I grew up attending First Presbyterian Church in Waterloo where I was baptized, attended youth group, got married, and held my dad’s funeral.
  • I met my husband at age 16 and we’ve been together since I was 17 and he was 18, so after we graduated from college he proposed and asked me to move to Green Bay for his job.
  • My husband and I celebrated 30 years of marriage this year.
  • We moved to Green Bay in 1991 where I first taught preschool, then 3rd/4th grade and Spanish at a private school before joining the Green Bay Area Public Schools.
  • I joined the church in 2001 and raised my 2 children here, where they were both baptized & confirmed.
  • I have served as an Elder and on PNC, as well as several committees here at First Pres.

Who am I?

Do you give up?

I’m Lisa Olson!

How well did you know Lisa?

Tell us your story! Complete our Name that Member Form or email so you can be featured in an upcoming Monday Member Spotlight of Name that Member!

September 12, 2022 Name that Member BIG REVEAL!

Name that Member

Earlier this week we featured our Monday Member Spotlight Name that Member through email and on our social media and now it’s time for the BIG REVEAL! In case you missed it, here’s our Member’s story:

  • I was born and raised in the Midwest.
  • My favorite childhood memories are of taking lots of family camping vacations.
  • I have one sister, two brothers…two daughters and one grandchild.
  • My favorite thing in the whole wide world to do is anything and everything having to do with retirement.
  • What I love most about our church is the close feeling of the congregation. You really are a second family to me.
  • I moved to Green Bay in 1965 and have lived in this area since that time except for living in Chicago for 2+ years and in Las Vegas for 1-1/2 years.
  • I’ve been a member of the church since 1974.
  • My favorite place to vacation is Las Vegas.
  • What I’m most passionate about is spending time with my family and friends, and being able to help out others.
  • I have always enjoyed dancing and took tap dance lessons from grades four through eight and did a lot of line dancing in the ’90s.
  • April 9, 1983 I saw John Davidson at the Carlton Inn in Green Bay. We had seats right next to the stage and before he began to perform he handed me his beautiful navy blue sequined jacket to hold during his performance.
  • I have completed the annual Labor Day Bridge Walk (5.2 miles) across the Mackinac Bridge four times. My first time was in 2014 at the age of 66.
  • In 1962 I was crowned Valentine’s Queen in my freshman year of high school. The queen was chosen by ballots cast by high school students. I was extremely shocked when my name was drawn however I found out later that my friends had stuffed The Ballot Box with my name. 
  • I was 4th Runner-Up and Miss Congeniality in the 1967 Miss Green Bay pageant. This was the year that Terry Anne Meeuwsen won…she later went on to become Miss Appleton, Miss Wisconsin and then Miss America!
  • If you haven’t figured out who I am yet, here is a final clue which may help. My neighbors in the hereafter for all of eternity will be Carol and Gerald Christiansen.

Who am I?

Do you give up?

I’m Judy Knutzen-Nerad!

You couldn’t possibly have known all that about Judy, did you?

Tell us your story! Complete our Name that Member Form or email so you can be featured in an upcoming Monday Member Spotlight of Name that Member!

Gestures of Generosity

Gestures of Generosity

Following an excellent workshop presented to the Session, Finance and Stewardship committees last spring, the Stewardship committee changed their name to Generosity Team and they have been focusing on recognizing and lifting up all the generosity experienced in this community of faith.

This fall the pledge campaign has taken on the theme “Gestures of Generosity” and will help us all look at how we are called to be generous in our lives of faith.

Special Sundays are planned in late October with the culmination of the campaign on Sunday October 30th as we all make our pledges of generosity to the church for 2023. Watch your mail and other church communications for more details and begin thinking about your own opportunities to demonstrate generosity in gratitude to God for all God’s generosity toward us.

September 2022 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

FirstPresGB Softball Team takes home the Championship!!

CONGRATULATIONS to our #FirstPresGB softball team who knocked the Championship game out of the park with a victory of 10 to 6 over Mannifest. We are the #1 CHAMPIONS of the Division 2 – 2022 Christian Softball League! Great job, team!

THANK YOU to all the players for a great season. And a BIG thank you to all the fans who showed up for our games and showed their support. We couldn’t have done it without YOU!

Synod School 2022

We were pleased to have so many members in attendance at the 2022 Synod School that was themed “Experiencing Belonging“…so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually, we are members one of another.” Romans 12:5

Our youth group was part of 540 people in attendance. We learned what it meant to be a part of the body of Christ and to belong to one another. In the spirit of Christ’s community, we walked through biblical experiences of belonging. Exploring the communities, we found member­ship within, and we discovered how we can belong to one another and to Christ more fully. Everyone came home with an eagerness to attend again in 2023.

Change of addresses

Don and Nina Lundin have had a change of address and Harland Merrill has also had a change of address. If you’d like to make note of their new address, please call the office at (920) 437-8121 or email and we’ll be happy to provide you with the updates.

Brat Fry Thanks!

THANK YOU to everyone who came out and supported our two Brat Fries on August 14th and 28th. Thanks to your support we raised $1056 for the Youth Group and Presbyterian Pantry.

N.E.W. Pride Alive 2022 Festival

NEW Pride Alive2022

We’re pleased to announce that our congregation will be represented at the N.E.W. Pride Alive Festival on Saturday, September 24th at the Brown County Fairgrounds. Several welcoming churches in the greater Green Bay area have come together to host a table in the exhibit hall, letting participants know that there are faith communities ready to welcome and embrace them. The table will be staffed from noon to 5:00 pm on Saturday by church volunteers, with plans to distribute a flier with details on welcoming churches as well as offering hand-held fans, glitter blessings, opportunities for prayer, and more. If you’d like to volunteer for a two-hour shift at the table, contact Pastor Katie at or call (920) 437-8121.

The purpose of N.E.W. Pride is to enhance the lives of LGBTQ+ people in the Greater Fox Valley & Green Bay regions by empowering people and organizations that share this purpose. Through partnerships, education, funding, creating more opportunities for community connection, and raising visibility/awareness of LGBTQ+ issues, we strive to create a Northeastern Wisconsin where all LGBTQ+ folk thrive. Each year, N.E.W. Pride puts on a number of events including Northeastern Wisconsin Pride. This family-friendly pride event features fireworks, live music, a local history exhibit, drag performances, and more!

Please join us!

August 22, 2022 Name that Member BIG REVEAL!

Name that Member

Earlier this week we featured our Monday Member Spotlight Name that Member through email and on our social media and now it’s time for the BIG REVEAL! In case you missed it, here’s our Member’s story:

  • I have a childhood memory from when I was in the 6th grade I was called into the principal’s office right before Christmas. I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong but I was still scared! Turns out they just wanted me to emcee the Christmas pageant. They didn’t have microphones back then and I had a loud voice
  • 6th grade was a memorable year because not only did I emcee the Christmas pageant, I got to see President Eisenhauer as his motorcade drove downtown
  • I am the youngest of 6. I had one sister and have 1 brother remaining of 4
  • I am married with 4 children and 5 grandchildren
  • I love to cross stitch and watch HGTV
  • What I love the most about our church is how it’s growing and keeping up with the times but still keeping the integrity of the original church
  • I have been a member of the church my whole life
  • My favorite vacation memories are visiting Washington D.C. when I was pregnant with my first child. I loved visiting Ford’s Theater and the rooming house across the street where Lincoln died
  • I am most passionate about trying to lead a good Christian life
  • I was a preemie when I was born. I weighed under 5#. My diapers were men’s handkerchiefs and I wore doll clothes until I was almost 2. Nothing else fit!

Who am I?

Do you give up?

I’m Jane Bies!

Betcha didn’t know all that about our Cake Lady, did you?

Tell us your story! Complete our Name that Member Form or email so you can be featured in an upcoming Monday Member Spotlight of Name that Member!

August 8, 2022 Name that Member BIG REVEAL!

Name that Member

Earlier this week we featured our Monday Member Spotlight Name that Member through email and on our social media and now it’s time for the BIG REVEAL! In case you missed it, here’s our Member’s story:

  • I grew up in Little Suamico, Wisconsin
  • I have 1 sister
  • My favorite childhood memory is spending time up North in Presque Isle, Wisconsin with my cousins
  • My first pet was a hamster named Reggie
  • What I enjoy most in the whole wide world is spending time at home with my family
  • I was baptized in 1988
  • I’ve been a member of the church since 2002
  • My birthday is in August which makes my zodiac sign Virgo
  • My favorite movie is Sweet Home Alabama
  • I’m a lover of all types of music genres and eras
  • One thing that no one would ever guess about me is that I’m a licensed drone pilot

Who am I?

Do you give up?

I’m Bobbi Holl!

Betcha didn’t know all that about Bobbi, did you?

Tell us your story! Complete our Name that Member Form or email so you can be featured in an upcoming Monday Member Spotlight of Name that Member!