FMSC 2022 MobilePack Rundown

FMSC MobilePack

The 2022 Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) Mobilepack was a great success during the week of October 3rd! 

Over 614,520 meals were packed during the Mobilepack, which will feed 1683 kids for an entire year!! 

There were over 2,800 volunteers that came to pack food during the 10 different packing sessions. There were also 75 different event support volunteers from the churches that worked in greeting, registration, and roving to make sure everything ran smoothly.

While the Green Bay Mobilepack is finished for the year, we are still in need of donations to help cover the cost of the food that was packed. 

Please prayerfully consider a generous donation to this worthy cause. Select FMSC in the dropdown menu and Donate Now!

And, check out our 2022 Photo Gallery!

Thank you for your support!

YouTube Channel Debut – Subscribe Today!

The Communications and Technology committee is excited to share that our @FirstPresGB YouTube channel has debuted!

Please visit First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay – YouTube to watch the latest and greatest from our video gallery, and while you’re out there please SUBSCRIBE!

Our complete collection of Gestures of Generosity videos are on the channel for your viewing. Our first video, Motivations for Giving, was shared during worship earlier in October. Even if you viewed the videos when they premiered during worship, they’re worth viewing again so please visit our channel. And, if you missed it in worship you haven’t missed out altogether – visit our channel!

Thanks to our videographer, Tom Shoffelman, for your incredible, creative, talent! And, although our Gestures of Generosity videos are complete and commitment Sunday has passed, it’s not too late to turn in your pledge card so please send those in soon.

Our worship video archive will remain housed on our Facebook Livestream video archive.

November 2022 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Congratulations Eric Sperduto!

Aaron and Jody Sperduto’s son, Eric, was recognized in October by the Green Bay West Rotary Club as one of their Students of the Month. Eric is a senior at Pulaski High School. Congratulations on your accomplishment, Eric!

Fall Clean-up THANKS!

We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful fall day to do our fall clean-up! It was sunny, warm and in the 70’s which made our chores feel far less chore like. The yard was cleaned up and the windows were washed. So much was accomplished thanks to the help of our amazing volunteers—Pat McCormick and his granddaughter, Grace, Pete Blashka, Dave and Lisa Solper, Judy Knutzen-Nerad, Kirke Ryder (our magician on windows), Joel Morien and John Belanger. Mary says a big THANK YOU to one and all! We couldn’t have gotten it done without you!

BURM Conference

What can be said about connecting with our partners in Russia, the Christians in Ukraine who are suffering from the war, the refugees in Belarus who are being used as pawns in a political game, the authoritarian regimes that are rising to political power in Europe and elsewhere, and the fact that we’re fighting wars over access to fossil fuels that are also degrading our planet?

Lots can be said, and lots was said – we learned so much at the Belarus, Ukraine, Russia Mission (BURM) Network conference October 6-8. We were honored to host the event in-person and virtually via our Facebook Livestream. There was a LOT of great information. Ellen Smith, our mission co-worker shared her recent newsletter telling us about how refugees in Belarus are at risk and details about her recent travels. Everyone walked away with a better understanding of the region, its challenges and what we can do to get involved. For more visit BURM 2022 Network Conference Rundown.

Confirmation Class and Apple Crisps

On Sunday, October 23 our Confirmation Class gathered to make and bake apple crisps for some of our homebound members. There were lots of apples to peel and dice, LOTS—dozens of apples. Later that afternoon the crisps were delivered to great acclaim and appreciation. Thank you to our confirmation class for your outreach efforts!

Generosity Defined

What does it mean to be a generous person? Generosity is defined as the spirit and action of freely and frequently giving to others.

During this season of giving – as we contemplate our own pledge to the church for the coming year – we’re exploring how we’ve been called to be generous in our lives of faith. After all, Jesus talked about generosity often in his parables and sermons.

Did you know that giving is actually good for you? There’s science to back this idea up! Studies have shown that giving of your time, your talent and your treasure benefits the giver in multiple ways:

Giving makes us feel happy; it actually activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure and releases endorphins which improve our sense of well-being.
• Giving is good for our health. It’s been shown to lessen stress, a risk factor for high blood pressure, heart disease, and other conditions.
• And giving is contagious. Think about our pay it forward campaign from a few years ago and the people who picked up on the idea and did something similar.

But don’t just take science’s word for it. Listen to what your fellow church members have to say about how giving has positively affected their lives.

Kirke Ryder says that being generous – whether it be through the giving of his time, money or expertise – makes him feel happier because he knows he’s helping make the world be a better place. He says he finds it very rewarding, pointing to his support of Feed My Starving Children for the past nine years. Knowing that he’s helped feed countless children and turned their lives around for the better is a feeling of joy that Kirke says can’t be matched.

Judy Knutzen-Nerad knows that exact same feeling. She says being generous gives her tremendous joy because she knows she’s making a difference in someone else’s life. Even more than the tangible gift being given, Judy believes it’s the love the person feels that’s the real benefit, knowing that someone cares and that they are not alone in their time of need.

Even the smallest among us understands this joy. Loni McCormick’s granddaughter Grace recently gave her a gift of love that warms both their hearts. Grace spent an entire afternoon drawing Loni a picture, and then cutting it up into little pieces and placing them in a Valentine box. Grace wanted Loni to have all those little pieces of her artwork because she knew they would make Grandma happy and show how much she loved her. The box sits on Loni’s headboard, quietly awaiting the next gift of specialness from Grandma’s sweet girl.

In economic terms, giving means we have less than what we started with, but science, the Bible and our fellow church members teach us that when we give to others, we gain. In Acts chapter 20, verse 35 we hear the words of Jesus who said, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” This heartwarming quote reminds us that giving to the church to help us fulfill our mission can bring a great sense of fulfillment and joy to the giver.

The story of Jesus’ ministry is filled with examples of generosity. Jesus sets a high standard of giving and caring for others. As we learn how to adopt gestures of generosity, let us continue to look to Jesus as the ultimate expression of generosity and sacrifice.

October 2022 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

N.E.W. Pride Alive Festival

It was a cool and cloudy, sometimes even rainy, day at the Brown County fairgrounds for this year’s N.E.W. Pride Festival, but the rainbows and smiles and hugs overcame the weather and brightened hearts and lives! Our welcoming churches booth was shared by five congregations including us, St. Anne’s Episcopal in DePere, Trinity Lutheran, Union Congregational and First Congregational in DePere. We gave out hugs and smiles, talked to lots of people who were thrilled to know of welcoming churches in our area, and we thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thanks to volunteers Al Smith, Grace Estes Collins, and Joel Morien for representing us.

Tank Back to School Drive

There was an overwhelming generous response to this year’s Tank Back to School Drive. THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the cause! And, we also had a true God moment when out of the blue Tank School requested clothing and we were fortunate to find 6 bags of gently used clothes that were looking for a home. Praise be to God! The clothes helped children who were in desperate need of basic clothing that we often take for granted.

The staff at Tank School express their sincere thanks to everyone who’s made a difference in the Tank kid’s lives. The Outreach Committee now looks forward toward our next Tank initiative of our annual Christmas Prayer Baskets. Stay tuned for more to come on that in November’s Connections newsletter.

Trunk-or-Treat 2022


Sunday, October 30th

Has your neighborhood ‘aged out’ of trick-or-treating? Do you buy too much candy and then get stuck eating it all on your own? Or, are you happy enough to turn off your lights and hide in the basement on Halloween?

We have a whole new deal for you!

In the spirit of trying something new and seeking to meet our neighbors and community where they are, we are hosting a Trunk-or-Treat event this year!

Trunk-or-Treat will happen in our church parking lot beginning at 2:00 pm on Sunday October 30.

The trunks of our cars will be open and decorated for the Halloween season, parked around the perimeter of the lot. Each car needs to be hosted by its owner. Children of this church and those from the neighborhood are invited to come trick-or-treat at our trunks, moving from one car to the next collecting treats and perhaps play a game or otherwise interact with each trunk host.

Sounds like fun, right?

Now we need the trunks to make it happen!

With your trunk open and your heart wide, 
please volunteer to join us!

Experienced Trunk-or-Treaters plan a theme and include an interactive element for their clientele—

  • Decorate your trunk as a fairy forest and let the kids pick a tootsie pop from the trunk of a Styrofoam tree you create.
  • Plan a bathtub theme and set up a small duck pond from which they’ll choose a rubber duck with a prize marked on the bottom.
  • Or, go all out and create a giant monster mouth in your open trunk and have kids reach into the darkness for their treat!

We need enough trunks to make this work!

To participate, sign up on the bulletin board or call the church office at 920-437-8121 or email to get on the list.

Questions may be directed to Joel Morien and the Christian Education committee at

N.E.W. Pride Alive 2022 Festival

NEW Pride Alive2022

We’re pleased to announce that our congregation will be represented at the N.E.W. Pride Alive Festival on Saturday, September 24th at the Brown County Fairgrounds. Several welcoming churches in the greater Green Bay area have come together to host a table in the exhibit hall, letting participants know that there are faith communities ready to welcome and embrace them. The table will be staffed from noon to 5:00 pm on Saturday by church volunteers, with plans to distribute a flier with details on welcoming churches as well as offering hand-held fans, glitter blessings, opportunities for prayer, and more. If you’d like to volunteer for a two-hour shift at the table, contact Pastor Katie at or call (920) 437-8121.

The purpose of N.E.W. Pride is to enhance the lives of LGBTQ+ people in the Greater Fox Valley & Green Bay regions by empowering people and organizations that share this purpose. Through partnerships, education, funding, creating more opportunities for community connection, and raising visibility/awareness of LGBTQ+ issues, we strive to create a Northeastern Wisconsin where all LGBTQ+ folk thrive. Each year, N.E.W. Pride puts on a number of events including Northeastern Wisconsin Pride. This family-friendly pride event features fireworks, live music, a local history exhibit, drag performances, and more!

Please join us!

August 2022 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

#FirstPresGB Softball Team continues to hit it out of the park

Our softball season came to a close on July 10th as we ended the season with a record of 4 and 3. We are seeded 6th in the Division 2 playoffs. Playoffs began on Sunday the 17th and we walked away with an 8-6 win for our first round. The second playoff round was a doubleheader on July 24th and we defeated 3rd seeded Peace with a score of 32 to 6 (wow!) and game two we defeated 1st seeded Journey #3 with a score of 18-16. The Division 2 Championship Game will be played on Sunday, July 31st – with results yet to be determined when we went to press – but watch our social media post-game for the Championship Game outcome!  

Welcome New Members

On Thursday, June 23rd at the Session meeting and on Sunday, July 31st in worship, our congregation received the following new members: Joanne LaCourt, Mary Jane McCrory, Fritzi Mevis, Brittany Morien, Joel Morien (and their daughter Aubrey), and Sue Russell. Please make an effort to welcome them into the family of faith.

2022 General Assembly

A summary of the 225th General Assembly (2022) actions can be viewed here. Israel and Palestine relations, fossil fuel divestment, and OGA/PMA unification were among the major issues addressed.

Church Chix had a blast!

We had 13 Chix in attendance during our Church Chix July social gathering on July 21st at 1951 West. The restaurant was great, service was great and there was great food – but more importantly there was great laughter, fun and fellowship! Join the Chix for their August social at A’Bravo on August 18th at 6pm. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board or RSVP to Hope you can join the Chix!

July 2022 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

HAPPY Birthday, Ginney Amen!

Ginney Amen was featured in our debut publication of Name that Member! on her birthday, June 9th, when she turned 103. Wowzah! In case you missed Name that Member, Ginney’s the oldest member of our church being a child of a member since 1931, then confirmed in 1933. In Name that Member we had some fun facts about Ginney being the master organizer of cabinets and closets, her maiden name begins with the letter P, and she went downhill skiing in her 90’s. Again, WOWZAH! We are so blessed to have Ginney in our family of faith!

#FirstPresGB Softball Team continues to hit it out of the Park

Since our June newsletter, our softball team has scored wins for their 3rd (10 to 4) and 4th (25 to 8!) week games but our 5th game we suffered our first defeat at 0-5 and our second defeat during our 6th game on June 26 with a score of 8-14. But we’re not letting that get us down. We plan to come back strong for our upcoming 7th game!

Since our game opener on May 15th our league standing is at 4-2.

We have a bye week for the 4th of July weekend but our final game before playoffs will take place on Sunday, July 10th at 5:30pm on Field 2. Please join us for a night of fun and fellowship! Playoff games to be announced – stay tuned.

Church Chix had a blast

Our Church Chix gathered for their June social on June 9th at the Village Grille in Allouez. We had 14 Chix in attendance. The restaurant was great, service was great and there was great food – but more importantly there was great laughter, fun and fellowship!

Join the Chix for their July social at 1951 West on July 21st at 6pm. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board or RSVP to Hope you can join the Chix!

Outdoor Worship & Potluck Picnic FUN!

We were blessed to have beautiful weather for our outdoor worship and potluck picnic on Sunday, June 26th.

The Noah’s Ark story was shared in a fun and silly way, with the congregation providing sound effects and a full rainstorm. A paper dove flew over our heads and rainbow streamers reminded us of God’s everlasting promise. Special thanks to the Deacons and Joel Morien for help to make it all happen; Jill Stenson’s solo of “Every time I Feel the Spirit” was a highlight.

After worship, hotdogs on the grill and side dishes were provided by all of you—and we gathered for a potluck picnic with GREAT food and fabulous fellowship. Many recipes were exchanged between members. Thank you to all who were able to join us!

Congratulations 2022 Graduates


We are so proud of our Class of 2022 high school graduates – Evan Hansen and Morgan Siewert! CONGRATULATIONS! As they take their next steps in life’s post-high school journey, we are there as a community to support them. They’ll be sadly missed in our youth group gatherings, but we look forward to seeing them grow in their faith as young adults. Evan and Morgan’s graduation story and plans for their future are as unique as they are special.

Evan Hansen
Evan Hansen

Evan graduated on June 12th from Bay Port High School. Evan’s immediate plans are pursuing a career with Seura Outdoor TV’s as a technical engineer while also planning to take few classes at NWTC. We wish you all the best in your new career, Evan!

Morgan graduated on June 5th from Green Bay Southwest High School. She plans to continue her education at St. Norbert College where she’ll double major in biomedical sciences and psychology. Megan has received the Presidential Scholarship awarded by St. Norbert College. She’ll miss participating in Student Council during high school years along with her favorite high school memory of homecoming football games, but she looks forward to creating new memories during her college years. Congratulations, Morgan!

Thank you to all who joined us on graduation Sunday, June 19th when we celebrated Evan and Morgan’s educational accomplishments during worship with a special reception that followed.

Morgan Siewert
Morgan Siewert

We also extend congratulations to our college graduates:
• Julia Doenges, daughter of Georjeanna and Vern Doenges, who graduated summa cum laude from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay with a degree in Communications with emphases in Health Communication and Organizational Communication.
• Olivia Crooks, daughter of Lori and Hank Crooks, who graduated from Concordia University, Mequon with a BS degree in Communication Sciences & Disorders.
• Taylor Wittman, daughter of Amy and Scott Wittman, who graduated from Carroll College in Waukesha with a Bachelor’s degree in Public Health.
• Emma Smith, daughter of Ellen and Al Smith, who graduated from Mt. Mary University in Milwaukee with a Master of Science in Counseling.
• Kerri Gouldkristine, daughter of Sarah Gouldkristine, who graduated from UW Stout with a BA Degree in Advanced Logics.

Blessings to one and all as you move forward in your post-graduate journey!