Fourth Sunday Forum to Begin

El Salvador Flag

September 24, 2023

Our Christian Education Committee is excited to announce the launch of a new program for adults that we’re calling Fourth Sunday Faith Forum. This is a direct result of input received on our congregational survey last spring, which indicated a desire for more adult education opportunities. This gathering will feature a special speaker or a special topic led by a member of our congregation. On the fourth Sunday of each month, the committee intends to offer a forum from 9:00 to 9:45 am in the Fellowship Room. We hope to welcome lots of participants to this new opportunity for growth in faith and knowledge.

We kick off this new program with a speaker all the way from El Salvador, Noemi Sanchez. Noemi works for the Calvinist Reformed Church of El Salvador and is with us as part of the International Peacemakers program of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Her denomination works closely with the PC(USA) in sustainable agriculture and innovative farming practices, school and community support, and migration issues in her country, which is the most densely populated country in Central America. We are honored to host her for the first part of her visit to Winnebago Presbytery and hope to have a big turn-out on September 24 to hear her presentation about ministry in El Salvador.

Noemi Sanchez
Noemí Sánchez

More about Noemí

Abdias Noemí Iglesias Sánchez has been a member of the Calvinist Reformed Church of El Salvador (IRCES) for approximately 30 years, as part of the youth group and now as a member of the IRCES Board of Directors. Through the IRCES Board of Directors, Noemí is the primary representative, ensuring the implementation of General Assembly agreements as well as the community and pastoral work of the IRCES’s strategic plan.

In youth ministry, she attended various youth camps as well as workshops on building a culture of peace. She studied Business Administration from the University of El Salvador, and has put her faith and skills into practice by assisting IRCES colleagues in coordinating youth workshops and community activities promoting peace and teaching peaceful inter-personal skills.

Married 16 years with 2 children, family is one of the most important parts of Noemí’s life.

Watch this short introduction video and hear Noemí’s story in her own words

August 2023 Brat Fry

Brat Fry

Thank you to everyone for supporting our July Brat Fry when we raised $645.40!

We need your help to make our August Brat Fry just as successful!

Please consider volunteering to serve or cashier on Sunday, August 13th at Festival in Bellevue which will be hosted by the Outreach Committee. Proceeds from the August brat fry will benefit the Pantry.

There are two volunteer shifts to choose from:

9am to 1pm and 1pm to 5pm

If you can help out as a volunteer sign up sheets are on the bulletin board or contact Kevin Kabacinski at 920-619-4458.

And, as a thank you bonus, all volunteers receive a FREE brat. Now, there’s nothing better than that!

We’re hoping for good weather, hungry customers and outstanding volunteers to feed them.

Thanks in advance for considering to help!

2023 Youth Pool Party

Pool Party July 20, 2023

Calling all #FirstPresGB Youth!

Youth Group may have started their summer hiatus but why go the whole summer without seeing each other? Join us for our annual Youth Pool Party!

Bring your friends – the more the merrier!

Our hostess, Loni McCormick, invites all youth to her home on Thursday, July 20th from 1p till 4, 4:30p. Loni will provide the beverages, but youth are asked to bring a snack to share.

We’re hoping for a warm summer day to relax in or by the pool to have some fun, play some games, splash around and take time to reconnect over the summer. So, grab your sunglasses, swimsuit, pool toys and a snack to share and join the fun at Loni’s pool!

For questions please contact Loni at (920) 655-8258 or or contact Joel Morien at (920) 437-8121 or email

We hope to see you poolside!

Congratulations Class of 2023!

Congratulations Class of 2023

Graduation Sunday June 4, 2023

Join us on Sunday June 4th as we recognize during 10am worship this year’s high school graduate, Eric Sperduto, and award him a scholarship. The fellowship hour following worship will be a chance to congratulate Eric and continue the celebration.

Eric Sperduto
Eric Sperduto, 2023 Graduate

Eric graduated May 31st from Pulaski High School and has plans to attend UW-Platteville where he’ll study Mechanical Engineering.

Eric has received:

  • Platteville Renewable Merit Scholarship
  • Butch Reimer Memorial Scholarship
  • Ray Nitschke Memorial Scholarship
  • Pulaski Education Association Scholarship
  • College Ready Scholarship
  • Mike and Jean Berken Mathematics Scholarship
  • Red Raiders Sports Boosters Scholarship

While in high school, Eric participated in football, wrestling, tennis, track and field, concert band, wind ensemble, marching band, pep band, served as Officer/Editor on the yearbook and was Senior Class President. Eric also received numerous academic honors throughout his high school years.

Eric’s favorite high school memory was his first game starting on varsity football.

CONGRATULATIONS, Eric! Blessings to you as you continue your journey beyond high school!

Congratulations College Graduates!

We extend our love and congratulations to the following graduates of higher education programs this spring:

  • Elizabeth Paag graduated from UW-Stevens Point with a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources
  • Brandt Schoffelman graduated from Bradley University with an Engineering degree
  • Wyatt Stenson completed his Emergency Medical Technician certificate at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College

(If there are other higher education graduates that we missed, please send information to the church office at

Ginney Amen Celebration of Life—June 9, 2023

Celebration of Life

Please join us for Virginia (Ginney) Amen’s Celebration of Life on Friday, June 9th from 9am till 11am at the Lyndahl Funeral Home located at 1350 Lombardi Avenue.

Ginney died on December 26, 2022 at Unity Hospice having suffered a fall earlier in December which resulted in a broken hip. She spent almost a week at Bellin Hospital and then was transferred to Unity Hospice in order to keep her comfortable during her final days.

Born June 9, 1919, Ginney was a member at First Presbyterian all her life, and influenced many people and programs of the church over her 103 years. Thanks be to God!

On what would have been Ginney’s 104th birthday, June 9, 2023, the family is having a celebration of her life from 10am to 11am. She will be buried next to her sister, Winifred, at Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Unity Hospice or First Presbyterian Church in her memory.

May, 2023 – Composing a Legacy Workshop

Gestures of Generosity

How do we tell the story of God’s grace and love—not just today, but for generations to come?

We have been blessed with many special gifts and estates over the years of our history in this church, and our endowment provides a great support to who we are and what we can do together in the kingdom.

We have set aside Sunday – May 7, 2023 as a time to focus our attention and intentions on legacy giving, from wills and bequests to life income plans that will benefit this church for generations to come.

The Rev. Kyle Nolan, a Ministry Relations Officer for the Presbyterian Foundation, will be with us on that day to preach and lead a workshop after the 10 am worship service offering tools to help us craft our faith legacy. He will cover topics including donor advised funds, charitable trusts, retirement accounts and more.

A luncheon will be served following the Fellowship coffee hour for all who wish to attend this workshop—please make your reservation by signing up on the bulletin board or calling the church office at (920) 437-8121 by May 4, 2023.

April 2023 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

2—4—2 @ the U

Thank you to all who helped make 2-4-2 @ the U happen! We served 22 kids plus workers and all were happy. The menu was homemade chili (vegetarian too!) with all the fixings along with wonderful desserts. The kids were appreciative about everything. Thank you again for your support!

Dear Souper Bowl Makers and Tasters

The Outreach Committee would like to extend a thank you to all for the Souper Bowl Sunday! The Pantry appreciates your gift and thanks to your contributions raised we’re giving each Pantry family a ham for Easter. Blessings to all who helped us succeed in giving our folks a beautiful Easter dinner!

Ken Sann 2023 Installation Services

Winnebago Presbytery Logo

Wausaukee Installation Service

You are cordially invited to attend a Service of Installation for Ken Sann at his church in Wausaukee on Sunday, April 23 at 3:00 p.m. Just like the ordination, this is a service conducted by Winnebago Presbytery, with ministers and elders appointed to the commission. The church will serve a dinner reception following the service. Please let Pastor Katie know if you’d like to ride along with her and attend.

Althestane Installation Service

With more than 100 people in attendance on Sunday afternoon, March 26 in Althestane, the Installation of Ken Sann to the Ministry of Word of Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA) was a grand celebration! The Presbytery of Winnebago turned out in full force with ministers and members from across the region. Special thanks to all who helped put on such a great reception following the worship service.

Composing a Legacy Luncheon Workshop

Gestures of Generosity

We have been blessed with many special gifts and estates over the years of our history in this church, and our endowment provides a great support to who we are and what we can do together in the kingdom.

But what does our call to discipleship say about how we follow Jesus now in our lifetimes and later, after we die?

The Generosity Team is pleased to offer a special luncheon conversation and workshop called “Composing A Legacy” on Sunday, May 7th with Rev. Kyle Nolan, area representative with the Presbyterian Foundation.

This workshop is appropriate for all adults, whether you are thinking about your legacy yet or not! Kyle will provide resources and ideas for how our gifts can impact the ministry of our congregation today and in years to come. Sign up on the bulletin board or call the church office to make your reservation.

Fifth Sunday Emergency Assistance Offering

Special Offering Emergency Assistance

We have a long tradition of helping our neighbors in need from a special fund on our accounts known as the Pastor’s Discretionary or Emergency Assistance Fund. This fund supports requests for an occasional gas card, partial rental payments, electric bills, or other emergency situations. It has been our practice that a person can receive assistance from this fund just one time each calendar year. We sometimes get referrals from nearby helping agencies, and other times simply have people walk in without any referral. The names and situations are kept confidential, and have been offered to both members and non-members alike. What we have not had, in recent years, is a regular way to replenish the fund as it gets used. To this end, we have decided that we will receive a special offering in each month where there are five Sundays, on that fifth week, to keep this assistance available.

Sunday April 30th will be our first opportunity to invite members and friends to contribute toward this important part of our ministry. Please mark your calendar and plan to participate that day, or you may contribute at any time by marking your check or online gift for “emergency assistance.”

Thank you!