On this Second Sunday after Pentecost, we reflect on “Healing Mercy” with Matthew 9: 9-13, 18-26 https://bit.ly/3NixYyL. Matthew Thorne continues as our guest organist, and Kris and Mike Melton will provide a special music arrangement of “There Is A Balm In Gilead.”
June 6, 2023 – Did you know?

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other. But how well do we know our church?
Here’s this week’s Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!
What year were hitching posts placed around the church property?
- 1899
- 1903
- 1897
On July 6, 1897 at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees it was moved that the committee on repairs order hitching posts placed around the church property.
Thanks for playing!
We want you to do more than just play Did you know?, we’d also like you to contribute! If you have some church fun facts to share, please send those to Cheri at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org and we’ll have your contribution added to an upcoming Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!
Worship Service June 4, 2023
It’s Trinity Sunday this week, so our scriptures are Matthew 28: 16-20 https://bit.ly/3oDJif8 and Psalm 8 https://bit.ly/3oNnrls and Pastor Katie will help us consider the doctrine of the Trinity with the reflection “A Dance Lesson.” We recognize our high school graduate Eric Sperduto in worship and also celebrate the sacrament of Communion.
Worship Service May 28, 2023
This Sunday, May 28th, is the Festival of Pentecost. We wear colors of the Spirit – Red, Yellow or Orange and we celebrate the birthday of the Church with Acts 2: 1-21 https://bit.ly/3WzeLvN and a story sermon entitled “The Day When God Made Church.” Expect balloons, wind, fire, and much more! Jeff Verkuilen returns to play the organ for us, and our fellowship hour includes a birthday cake and ice cream.
Congratulations Class of 2023!

Graduation Sunday June 4, 2023
Join us on Sunday June 4th as we recognize during 10am worship this year’s high school graduate, Eric Sperduto, and award him a scholarship. The fellowship hour following worship will be a chance to congratulate Eric and continue the celebration.

Eric graduated May 31st from Pulaski High School and has plans to attend UW-Platteville where he’ll study Mechanical Engineering.
Eric has received:
- Platteville Renewable Merit Scholarship
- Butch Reimer Memorial Scholarship
- Ray Nitschke Memorial Scholarship
- Pulaski Education Association Scholarship
- College Ready Scholarship
- Mike and Jean Berken Mathematics Scholarship
- Red Raiders Sports Boosters Scholarship
While in high school, Eric participated in football, wrestling, tennis, track and field, concert band, wind ensemble, marching band, pep band, served as Officer/Editor on the yearbook and was Senior Class President. Eric also received numerous academic honors throughout his high school years.
Eric’s favorite high school memory was his first game starting on varsity football.
CONGRATULATIONS, Eric! Blessings to you as you continue your journey beyond high school!
Congratulations College Graduates!
We extend our love and congratulations to the following graduates of higher education programs this spring:
- Elizabeth Paag graduated from UW-Stevens Point with a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources
- Brandt Schoffelman graduated from Bradley University with an Engineering degree
- Wyatt Stenson completed his Emergency Medical Technician certificate at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
(If there are other higher education graduates that we missed, please send information to the church office at office@firstpresgreenbay.org)
Ginney Amen Celebration of Life—June 9, 2023

Please join us for Virginia (Ginney) Amen’s Celebration of Life on Friday, June 9th from 9am till 11am at the Lyndahl Funeral Home located at 1350 Lombardi Avenue.
Ginney died on December 26, 2022 at Unity Hospice having suffered a fall earlier in December which resulted in a broken hip. She spent almost a week at Bellin Hospital and then was transferred to Unity Hospice in order to keep her comfortable during her final days.
Born June 9, 1919, Ginney was a member at First Presbyterian all her life, and influenced many people and programs of the church over her 103 years. Thanks be to God!
On what would have been Ginney’s 104th birthday, June 9, 2023, the family is having a celebration of her life from 10am to 11am. She will be buried next to her sister, Winifred, at Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Unity Hospice or First Presbyterian Church in her memory.
Thank you, Volunteers!

We don’t say thank you enough to all the generous hearts who complete our weekly worship experience!
Thank you to the Greeters that welcome us each week, thank you to the Ushers who prepare us for worship, thank you to the Readers who share God’s Word with us, and thank you to our Fellowship Hosts who make bringing our family together possible following worship.
If you’re interested in becoming a Greeter or a Reader, please contact Leah at (920) 437-8121 or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.
To volunteer as an usher, please contact Judy Knutzen-Nerad at jlkn1947@gmail.com or call (920) 336-5678.
To become a Fellowship Host, our summer schedule sign up sheets are on the bulletin board for June, July and August. Sign up soon before the best Sundays are taken.
Thank you again, Volunteers, for all that you do!
Gestures of Generosity, June 2023

Thank you for your Gesture!
It was a wonderful turnout and a delightful time to learn and share together in early May when the Generosity Team hosted The Rev. Kyle Nolan of the Presbyterian Foundation for our Legacy luncheon workshop. Thanks to all who attended and helped focus our attention on how to give in new and different ways to our church.
One attendee was inspired to go directly to their bank the next day and set up a special account that will come straight to the church upon their death. This is a restricted account that was opened with a particular amount of money, but can be added to over the years. What a gesture of generosity!
Other attendees liked the presenter’s suggestion that one way to think about leaving a legacy when dividing your estate is to consider the church as another “child.” This couple has three adult children among whom the estate will be divided—but as they are all doing fine for themselves, they’ve decided to add the church as a fourth recipient and let the kids know about the new plan. Again, a wonderful gesture of generosity!
We all took away a new understanding of the importance to our congregation of legacy gifts—how they have sustained us in the past, continue to do so today, and will provide for a long and healthy future for this church. The amount of your legacy gift doesn’t matter so much as the heart with which it is given: your generosity demonstrates your faith today and tomorrow as well.
If you have a Gestures of Generosity story to share, please contact Cheri at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org and tell us your story.
June 2023 Rundown

Church Chix Socials
The Chix had an amazing May social, dining at Parker John’s. There were 9 Chix in attendance and what a memorable night of laughter it was! Our June social is planned for Thursday, June 1st at 6pm. We’ll dine at the Ten-O-One Club located at 1001 Main Street. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org and we’ll save a seat at the table for you. Hope to see you then!
Christian Educator Sunday
We had a joyful time on May 21st when we celebrated our teachers and leaders during Christian Educator recognition Sunday. And, the puppet performance added an amazing experience to our worship service that was enjoyed by all. Thank you again to Brenda Hubbard, Lisa Olson, Sara Bostedt, Loni McCormick, Deb Gauthier, Stacy Bostedt, Olivia Crooks, Jessica Gauthier, DeShawn Estes Collins, Grace Estes Collins, Bobbi Holl, Jill Stenson, Nancy Siewert, Joel Morien and Katie Estes!
Letter Carriers and Boy Scout Food Drive
The Boy Scout food drive in April and the Letter Carriers drive in May sure filled our Pantry. The Pantry crew thanks all who helped pick-up, sort and put away all the food. The Outreach Committee really appreciates all your help and so do our Pantry guests! The many new items offered surely brings smiles to many.
Softball Stats
We had a grand slam time at our first game on May 21st but walked away with a disappointing loss of 17 to 20. Our spirits are still high though as we look forward to our next game on June 4 at 6:45, Field 2. We hope to see you there!
June 2023 – Faith Facts:

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other, our Did you know? Tuesday Trivia! shows us how well we know our church but we’re pleased to ask yet another question—How well do we know our faith?
Well, we’re excited to tell you that our newest newsletter feature is Faith Facts: which aims to tell us just how well we know our faith. Our June Faith Facts is courtesy of Russ Christensen. Thank you, Russ, for your contribution!
Are you ready to play?
Why is our altar not against the wall where they are located in most other churches?
(choose one or more of the following answers)
A) When it was against the wall, it blended in too well; its seen better where it currently is.
B) When communion was being served it always had to be pulled out from the wall for the minister to stand behind it. Once, someone forgot to place it back against the wall and because it looked good where it was, it stayed there.
C) Prior to remodeling in the 1950’s it was underneath the choir/organ balcony and the minister did not stand behind it.
D) Both A & B
E) A, B and C
F) None of the above
Did you guess correct, or did you learn something new?
Thanks for playing!
If you have Presbyterian faith facts to share, please contact Pastor Katie at kestes@firstpresgreenbay.org and become a contributor to an upcoming Faith Facts: