
“I’m In!”

I'm In! Generosity 2024 Campaign

We say “I’m in!” when we have a commitment to something, when we are enthusiastic about it, when we approve of it. We say “I’m in!” when we want to be included in something, or when we feel like we are already part of it. Continuing our emphasis on the amazing generosity of our church, we want to encourage members to say “I’m in!” for the ministry and mission of this congregation with their financial commitments as well as their contributions of time and talent for the calendar year 2024.

Each week of the month, our service of worship will focus on being “in” in a different way. On October 1, World Communion Sunday, we will consider how we are invited to the Lord’s table, invited to make a commitment to our church, and invited to participate in the mission here. Other weeks will have us addressing how we are included and how we include others, how we are involved in various ways, in what ways we are inspired in this place and in our lives, how we invest in the church, what captures our hearts and makes us say that we are “in”.

Watch for a mailing toward the middle of the month that will include a “best guess” representation of where our church will spend our money in 2024, as well as a pledge card for you to use in making your own commitment. Generosity Sunday is set for October 22, when we will all say “I’m in!” and join together for a celebratory meal.

Thanks for your generosity, your involvement, your commitment to our future together in God’s good world. It is good to be “In” this together.

New Members Received October 15th

Welcome New Members
Kris & Mike Melton
Kris & Mike Melton

On Sunday, October 15th in our service of worship at 10am, we will officially receive four new members who are already blessing our congregation.

Our coffee fellowship time following worship will be another opportunity to welcome them and express our gratitude for their presence among us in the body of Christ.

Brief biographies were shared in our September Newsletter last month for Carole Biddick, Kris and Mike Melton, and Barbara Perret (not pictured).

Carole Biddick
Carole Biddick

Please make an effort to reach out and draw them into our family of faith!

Break Every Chain Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness Program

Human Trafficking Awareness Zoom Event

Covenant Community Presbyterian Church (CCPC) is inviting the churches in Winnebago Presbytery to watch the Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness Program on Oct. 21, 2023 at First United Presbyterian Church of DePere located at 605 N Webster Avenue in DePere from 9:30am till 11:30am.

Human Trafficking happens in every county in Wisconsin and involves the exploitation of children, women, and men for the purpose of commercial sex or compelled labor. We believe that knowledge of the trafficking Red Flags and how children and adults are groomed and deceived can make our communities safer. We believe that awareness of this crime may save a life and prevent a child, women, or man from becoming a victim of the horrific crime of Human Trafficking.

The Program includes: Awareness, Prevention and Local Professionals speaking about what is happening in our area.

More details are below – please join us!

End Human Trafficking Awareness Program

October 2023 Fourth Sunday Faith Forum

New Community Shelter Logo

A new opportunity for adult enrichment and connection from the Christian Education Committee, the Fourth Sunday Faith Forum featured International Peacemaker Noemi Sanchez from El Salvador last month and will feature a representative from New Community Shelter this month.

Please join us on Sunday, October 22nd in the Fellowship Room from 9:00 to 9:45am for a presentation about the ministry and outreach of this social service organization just down the street from our church.

At our Advent Festival last year, we stuffed socks with personal care products for unsheltered people and our youth group delivered them to the shelter and got to tour the facility and hear a little more about what they do. Now they are coming to us to share their ministry!

Don’t miss this chance to learn about a ministry in our community.

October 2023 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had an amazing social in September when our outstanding hostess, Sue Russell, welcomed everyone into her home. The weather was chilly so we ate inside but the food was fabulous! Our October social is planned for Thursday, October 12th at 6pm at Nakishima’s located at 2200 Holmgren Way in Green Bay. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email

Tank Back to School 2023 Campaign

Tank Back-to-School

The Tank Back-to-School Drive was so successful! Many kids will benefit from the backpacks and school supplies and a check was also given which will allow the staff to purchase whatever else is needed. Members of First Presbyterian were once again very generous as we filled Stephanie Fahringer’s jeep and delivered everything before school started. THANK YOU to everyone for your generosity!

Carpenter Local 1146 Pantry Donation

Thank you Carpenters Local 1146!

On August 25th the Carpenters Local 1146 hosted their summer picnic and asked union members to bring a donation for the Presbyterian Pantry. Two full flatbeds of groceries were donated but the generosity didn’t stop there. More than $300 was collected from the event. Bartenders donated their tips, there were cash donations and there was a 50/50 raffle. A special thank you to union representative, Steve Dorvinen, who helped make it all possible!

Blessings of the Backpacks

Due to rain and cool temps, our outdoor worship had to be moved inside on September 10th, but we still blessed more than 20 backpacks and celebrated God’s marvelous creation with a fun story sermon and great guitar music. The ice cream social following the service was also a big hit.

Fourth Sunday Forum recap

We were delighted to host International Peacemaker Noemi Sanchez and her interpreter Leslie Vogel on September 24 for an informative presentation on her ministry in El Salvador. Noemi also visited Spanish classes at UWGB, Memorial Presbyterian Church in Appleton, Covenant Community Church in Schofield, and presented at the Winnebago Presbytery meeting in Marshfield. Special thanks to Al and Ellen Smith for all their work in coordinating the visit and hosting our guests.

2 for 2 @ the U

Our event for UWGB students held annually at the Mauthe Center was a huge success! We served sloppy joes (including vegan) and the roasters were empty by the end of the evening. Thank you to all the volunteers who provided all the side dishes and desserts too! The students were all very kind, appreciative and happy to see us. We had approximately 40 students in attendance. A big thank you and shout out to our servers: Mark, Georgiana, Lori, Lisa, Joel, Stephanie, Donna and Leslie! And, thank you to the Mauthe Center for inviting us. We look forward to seeing you in February when our next 2 for 2 @ the U will take place. Check out our photo gallery from the event!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

September 26, 2023 – Did you know?

Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other. But how well do we know our church?

Here’s this week’s Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

The 75th Anniversary Dinner was held on May 2, 1951. What was the cost per plate?

A) $0.50

B) $1.25

C) $2.00


B) The 75th Anniversary Dinner was held on May 2, 1951 with one setting of 140 plates at a cost of $1.25 each. Six former pastors answered the invitation, the oldest one, Rev. J.F. Young, having served from 1892-1896, and who married one of the members of the church during his pastorate.

Thanks for playing!

We want you to do more than just play Did you know?, we’d also like you to contribute! If you have some church fun facts to share, please send those to Cheri at and we’ll have your contribution added to an upcoming Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Worship Service September 24, 2023

On this final Sunday of September, we are excited to be hosting International Peacemaker Noemi Sanchez from El Salvador. Pastor Katie will reflect on Philippians 1: 21-30 and preach on “Contagious Confidence.” We also commission Taylor Wittman to her service in the Peace Corps in Albania, where she will do health education.

Worship Service September 17, 2023

On this Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Matthew 18: 21-35 will focus our attention on Jesus’ words about forgiveness and Pastor Katie will reflect on “Maxing Out the Card.” We are excited to begin the program year this week with Sunday school for children and Confirmation class following worship.

September 12, 2023 – Did you know?

Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other. But how well do we know our church?

Here’s this week’s Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

From a resolution read and adapted at a congregational meeting held February 27, 1923 – the basement under the building was to provide space for bowling alleys.





TRUE: From a resolution read and adapted at a congregational meeting held February 27, 1923: We recommend a well built and substantial foundation of concrete sufficiently deep to provide a basement under the entire building. This basement to provide space for bowling alleys, locker rooms, shower baths, toilets, furnace and fuel room and in addition a very fair auditorium if needed at some future time. For the present we believe the large room in the rear part which will also serve as a basketball court can be used for social meeting and programs.

Thanks for playing!

We want you to do more than just play Did you know?, we’d also like you to contribute! If you have some church fun facts to share, please send those to Cheri at and we’ll have your contribution added to an upcoming Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Worship Service September 10, 2023

This Sunday we are kicking off our program year with a very special worship service that will include a “blessing of the backpacks” for children, youth, and educators. Our story sermon will be an interactive re-telling of the creation story from Genesis. We welcome our friend Micah Zuelke back to accompany our hymns and look forward to having special music from two guitarists as well.