
March 19, 2024 – Did you know?

Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other. But how well do we know our church?

Here’s this week’s Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

How many Pastors have served the church since Reverend David Street began our first worship service 148 years ago in 1876?

A) 31

B) 22

C) 40


A) Since Reverend David Street’s first worship service 148 years ago in 1876 there has been a total of 31 Pastors that have served our church. The longest service was by Reverend Elmon Ward who served 16 years from 1970 to 1986.

Thanks for playing!

We want you to do more than just play Did you know?, we’d also like you to contribute! If you have some church fun facts to share, please send those to Cheri at and we’ll have your contribution added to an upcoming Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Worship Service March 17, 2024

On this Fifth Sunday in the season of Lent, we are thrilled to be celebrating the sacrament of baptism for Lydia Morien and to have Joe Bruette and Bruce Deadman providing special brass music. Our journey with the disciple Peter takes us to Matthew 18: 21-35 and Pastor Katie’s reflection is “Peter: Doing the Math”.

Worship Service March 10, 2024

On this Fourth Sunday in Lent, our journey with Peter takes us to Matthew 16: 21-26 and Pastor Katie’s reflection, “Peter: Wanting to Win”. We’re thrilled to have the choir singing an arrangement of “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” and Teresa Schoffelman providing a flute solo of “Were You There?”

March 5, 2024 – Did you know?

Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other. But how well do we know our church?

Here’s this week’s Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

From the Annual Report of 1912, how much income did the Forward Finance Campaign add to the regular income?

A) $300

B) $1000

C) $750


A) From the Annual Report of 1912 by Rev. Herbert Knox, pastor: “The growth of the church during the past five years has been substantial. The church as made a splendid response to the Forward Finance Campaign, adding $300 to the regular income for the present year. The Thank Offering on June 2nd brought in $150 so that our account at the bank is entirely settled.”

Thanks for playing!

We want you to do more than just play Did you know?, we’d also like you to contribute! If you have some church fun facts to share, please send those to Cheri at and we’ll have your contribution added to an upcoming Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Worship Service March 3, 2024

On this Third Sunday in Lent, we will share the sacrament of communion and continue our journey with the disciple Peter. Our gospel lesson is Matthew 16: 13-20 and Pastor Katie’s reflection is “Peter: A Chip Off the Old Block”.

Easter Sunday 2024

Easter Sunday

March 31st

Please join us for a celebration of the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday, March 31st at 10:00am in the Sanctuary.

Bring your family and friends and neighbors for this special festival worship service. We will have Michael Raught on the organ, Kris Melton on piano, Bruce Deadman, Joe Bruette, and two special guests on brass, and a full choir as well!

An Easter egg hunt and Sunday school lesson will be provided for children up through fifth grade. A celebration coffee fellowship time will follow the worship service, with treats galore. A wonderful variety of flowers have been ordered, so the chancel will bloom with life for this morning. If you ordered a plant, it will be available for you to take home following the service.

Please join us!

2024 Maundy Thursday Soup Supper & Worship Service

Maundy Thursday

The last time Jesus had dinner with his disciples before his arrest, trial, and crucifixion was on Maundy Thursday. The term “Maundy” comes from the Latin word maundatum, meaning commandment, which refers to Jesus’ statement that night, “I give you a new commandment; that you love one another…”

A very special worship service is planned to remember this supper on Thursday March 28th at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Room. Participants will share a simple soup & bread supper at round tables as we move through a worship service reenactment of foot-washing, Jesus’ teachings, and his last supper that we now know as communion.

This is an interactive service and appropriate for all ages. We ask that you sign up on the bulletin board or call the church office at (920) 437-8121 or email office@firstpresgreenbay,org to indicate your attendance so we can plan for our set up and food.

Please join us!

Palm Sunday Brunch 2024

Palm Sunday Brunch

March 24th

Please join us following Worship in Banner Hall for brunch on Palm Sunday with a menu that includes:

  • Egg Bakes
  • Quiche
  • Cheesy Potatoes
  • Assorted Breads
  • Breakfast Sausage
  • Coffee
  • Assorted Juices & Fruit Too!

A free will offering will be taken to offset the cost.

No RSVP necessary—ALL are welcome to join!

Don’t miss this great opportunity for fun, food and fellowship – we hope to see you at brunch!

Help Us Help Women

Esther Circle

March 1st—24th

Esther Circle meets monthly to do a study called Sacred Encounters, looking at the experiences of various people who encountered Jesus during his ministry.

One of the lessons was about the woman who had been hemorrhaging for 12 years straight in Luke 8: 43-48. Following our discussion, we agreed that we could help women in our own community who have challenges with the expenses of feminine products, which are not normally available through food shelves.

We are collecting feminine products from March 1 to March 24 which will be donated to homeless women residing at St. John’s Women’s Shelter. We often don’t consider what it must be like for women with little or no income or a permanent place to live to find their monthly supplies.

We invite you to join us in this collection during March so we can help women in our community be comfortable and retain their dignity. A box in the back of the sanctuary will be provided for your donations of pads and tampons.

Thank you for your support!

Singers are Invited!

Music notes

The Lent and Easter season is full of wonderful music that enhances our worship in so many ways. Our organist, Michael Raught, is gathering a choir to sing several times this month—would you like to join in?

All are welcome!

The group will sing on Sunday March 10th, Palm Sunday – March 24th, and also on Easter Sunday – March 31st. Rehearsals will be held on Thursday evenings in the choir room from 6:30 to 7:30pm. You don’t need to attend every week, but your voice will add a lot to our musical offering if you can come and learn and practice with us.

Please direct any questions to Michael on Sunday mornings.