On this Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Matthew 18: 21-35 https://bit.ly/44ZqHJS will focus our attention on Jesus’ words about forgiveness and Pastor Katie will reflect on “Maxing Out the Card.” We are excited to begin the program year this week with Sunday school for children and Confirmation class following worship.
Category: Worship
Worship Service September 10, 2023
This Sunday we are kicking off our program year with a very special worship service that will include a “blessing of the backpacks” for children, youth, and educators. Our story sermon will be an interactive re-telling of the creation story from Genesis. We welcome our friend Micah Zuelke back to accompany our hymns and look forward to having special music from two guitarists as well.
Worship Service September 3, 2023
On this holiday weekend we are excited to offer a very special hymn sing worship service that will take us through the entire church year! Come to sing songs from Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost and more. Pastor Katie will reflect on the liturgical seasons and Psalm 104 https://bit.ly/47OGb65 with “Singing the Story of Praise.” Grace Estes Collins will offer a solo of “Amazing Grace” accompanied by Matthew Thorne, and we will share in the sacrament of communion as well.
Sing Thru the Church Year
Special Worship Service September 3, 2023
The church year is NOT the same as a calendar year, but you may not notice it spread over the course of 12 months—when is Lent, why do we celebrate Epiphany, what comes after Pentecost?
For our worship service on Sunday, September 3th at 10am, we will attempt to sing our way through the whole church year with a few verses or a few hymns to represent each season. We’ll begin with Advent, move through Christmas and Epiphany, remind ourselves of Lent and Holy Week and Easter, then Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, All Saints’, and Christ the King.
It’s a LOT to squeeze into one service, but we think we can do it!
As it’s the first Sunday of the month, we will celebrate communion as well. Come join us for this hymn sing and perhaps learn a thing or two along the way. This service, planned by Pastor Katie and organist Matthew Thorne, will be our farewell to Matthew with deep thanks for his musical gifts and leadership over the summer.
Outdoor Worship and Ice Cream Social
September 10, 2023
“Back to school” sales are in full force and that means it is time for us all to come back to church after summer vacations and breaks! We celebrate the beginning of this new program year with a fun and casual outdoor worship on Sunday, September 10th at 10:00 am (weather permitting) on the front lawn. Bring your own chair or sit in one we’ve set up on the sidewalk—please don’t let navigating the grass keep you away.
Our worship service will feature a playful re-telling of the creation story and a special blessing of backpacks for all those headed back to school. If you are a student of any age, a teacher or administrator or helper in a school setting of any kind, please bring your backpack or other school bag on this day to receive a blessing including a special keychain to add to your bag. Let’s see how many backpacks and bags we can bless this year!
Following worship, we welcome everyone into the Fellowship Room for an ice cream social featuring dipped ice cream with all the toppings—plan to build your own sundae. This is a perfect day to bring a friend or neighbor or grandchild to worship, so please join us!
Worship Service August 27, 2023
On this final Sunday in August, Pastor Katie will reflect on “Who Do You Think You Are?” with a focus on Matthew 16: 13-20 https://bit.ly/47Hy5vT. We’re excited to have new members Kris & Mike Melton share their gifts in a special music piece featuring Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem “Pied Beauty” and an arrangement of “For the beauty of the Earth” by Faye Lopez.
Worship Service August 20, 2023
This week we are blessed to have two members share their gifts in special music from Elliott Stenson on cello and Bruce Deadman on euphonium. We continue our journey through Matthew’s gospel with a challenging story from Matthew 15: 21-28 https://bit.ly/3P0KBiw and Pastor Katie’s reflection is “Talking Back to Jesus.”
Worship Service August 13, 2023
This week we continue our journey through the gospel of Matthew with the story of Jesus walking on the water from Matthew 14: 22-33 https://bit.ly/3OPiByk. Elder Nancy Siewert will preach on “When Faith Fails.”
Worship Service August 6, 2023
On this first Sunday in August, we welcome Pastor Katie back after a few weeks away and celebrate the sacrament of communion together as well. Our scriptures are Isaiah 55: 1-3, 12-13 https://bit.ly/3QkbCPj and Matthew 14: 13-21 https://bit.ly/3Oik7Yj, and the sermon is titled “A Catering Problem.” Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges will share her beautiful voice in a solo for special music: “Come to Jesus” by Chris Rice.
Worship Service July 30, 2023
On this final Sunday in July, we again welcome Nancy Zorn Micke to the pulpit while Pastor Katie is away. More parables of Jesus are our focus, with Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 https://bit.ly/3ObNpaX as our scripture. Nancy will preach on “A Glimpse of Heaven” and is also going to play a Native flute for some of our music.