Ash Wednesday 2024

Ash Wednesday

February 14, 2024

What are you doing for Valentine’s Day this year? Want to avoid the crowded restaurants and skip the overpriced greeting cards?

Here’s a completely different option: Wednesday, February 14th is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is the forty days (not including Sundays) leading up to Easter, and is a time set aside in the church year to reflect on our Christian walk.

An Ash Wednesday worship service will be held virtually via our Facebook Livestream and in person at 6:30pm on February 14th in the Sanctuary, and features candlelight, scripture, contemplative music and the imposition of ashes on each person’s forehead as a reminder of our own mortality. We wear ashes not to brag about our humility or piety, but to mark ourselves as part of the community of faith and recognize how far we are from God’s will for us. While some feel like this is primarily a Roman Catholic practice, the distribution of ashes has been a part of Protestant and Reformed traditions for many years.

Please come join in the family of faith as we begin our Lenten journey together.

January 2024 Fourth Sunday Forum

4th Sunday Forum - Internet Safety

January 28th

PART 2—“Internet Safety: How To Protect Yourself Online”

Last November’s Fourth Sunday Forum featured our very own Lisa Olson who talked to us about internet safety. It was a great opportunity for learning and there was so much content to cover that we’re continuing the conversation where we left off and offering Part 2 on January 28th at 9am.

But don’t worry if you weren’t at Part 1 because Part 2 will cover different information. We’ll discuss how to look at apps to see the Privacy and User Agreements before you load something into your phone that could put your Personally Identifiable Information in jeopardy, and refresh everyone on how to make a safe password. 

Bring your questions and your concerns—coffee and treats will be available, too.

January 2024 Luncheon


New Ministry Opportunity

Interested in being part of a new ministry opportunity in our congregation?

Come to a soup and sandwich lunch on Monday, January 29th at 11:30a in the Fellowship Room. 

We’ll talk about the gifts that older adults bring to our church and community as well as how our church can enhance our lives as we grow older.

Anyone is welcome–you decide if you are an “older adult” or simply want to support older adults in our midst!   

A sign up sheet will be on the bulletin board or you can call Nancy Siewert at 920-609-2051 if you would like to attend.

2024 Per Capita Sunday

Per Capita

January 21, 2024

What is per capita? Did you check that box on your pledge card, committing to pay $37.95 for each adult member of your household this year? Why do we ask for that above and beyond your regular pledge? Are we contributing to things we don’t want to?! How can we know?

On January 21, 2024, we will answer all these questions and more!

The PC(USA) (our denomination) has invited all Presbyterians to center their worship services around the ways in which we are called into mutual support and ministry through per capita giving. Our worship on this day will focus our attention on the larger issues of our denomination and the connectional nature of being Presbyterian.

The Generosity Team will host the coffee fellowship time and engage further discussion as well.

November 2023 Fourth Sunday Forum

4th Sunday Forum - Internet Safety

“Internet Safety: How To Protect Yourself Online”

Our new opportunity for adult enrichment and connection on the fourth Sunday of each month has been well-received! We continue this month on November 26th from 9:00 to 9:45 am in Fellowship Room with a special presentation from our own Lisa Olson on Internet Safety.

Lisa has recently retired from the Green Bay Public schools after a long career in internet technology, and she brings us a wealth of knowledge in how to stay safe and still make use of all the rich resources technology has to offer. Learn about the importance of knowing what apps to access on your phone or tablet, and how to be careful about where you give your personal information. She will also address what AI is, and why we should care. Bring your questions and your concerns—coffee and treats will be available, too.

New Members Received October 15th

Welcome New Members
Kris & Mike Melton
Kris & Mike Melton

On Sunday, October 15th in our service of worship at 10am, we will officially receive four new members who are already blessing our congregation.

Our coffee fellowship time following worship will be another opportunity to welcome them and express our gratitude for their presence among us in the body of Christ.

Brief biographies were shared in our September Newsletter last month for Carole Biddick, Kris and Mike Melton, and Barbara Perret (not pictured).

Carole Biddick
Carole Biddick

Please make an effort to reach out and draw them into our family of faith!

Break Every Chain Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness Program

Human Trafficking Awareness Zoom Event

Covenant Community Presbyterian Church (CCPC) is inviting the churches in Winnebago Presbytery to watch the Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness Program on Oct. 21, 2023 at First United Presbyterian Church of DePere located at 605 N Webster Avenue in DePere from 9:30am till 11:30am.

Human Trafficking happens in every county in Wisconsin and involves the exploitation of children, women, and men for the purpose of commercial sex or compelled labor. We believe that knowledge of the trafficking Red Flags and how children and adults are groomed and deceived can make our communities safer. We believe that awareness of this crime may save a life and prevent a child, women, or man from becoming a victim of the horrific crime of Human Trafficking.

The Program includes: Awareness, Prevention and Local Professionals speaking about what is happening in our area.

More details are below – please join us!

End Human Trafficking Awareness Program

October 2023 Fourth Sunday Faith Forum

New Community Shelter Logo

A new opportunity for adult enrichment and connection from the Christian Education Committee, the Fourth Sunday Faith Forum featured International Peacemaker Noemi Sanchez from El Salvador last month and will feature a representative from New Community Shelter this month.

Please join us on Sunday, October 22nd in the Fellowship Room from 9:00 to 9:45am for a presentation about the ministry and outreach of this social service organization just down the street from our church.

At our Advent Festival last year, we stuffed socks with personal care products for unsheltered people and our youth group delivered them to the shelter and got to tour the facility and hear a little more about what they do. Now they are coming to us to share their ministry!

Don’t miss this chance to learn about a ministry in our community.

Sing Thru the Church Year

Music notes

Special Worship Service September 3, 2023

The church year is NOT the same as a calendar year, but you may not notice it spread over the course of 12 months—when is Lent, why do we celebrate Epiphany, what comes after Pentecost?

For our worship service on Sunday, September 3th at 10am, we will attempt to sing our way through the whole church year with a few verses or a few hymns to represent each season. We’ll begin with Advent, move through Christmas and Epiphany, remind ourselves of Lent and Holy Week and Easter, then Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, All Saints’, and Christ the King.

It’s a LOT to squeeze into one service, but we think we can do it!

As it’s the first Sunday of the month, we will celebrate communion as well. Come join us for this hymn sing and perhaps learn a thing or two along the way. This service, planned by Pastor Katie and organist Matthew Thorne, will be our farewell to Matthew with deep thanks for his musical gifts and leadership over the summer.

Outdoor Worship and Ice Cream Social

Outdoor Worship

September 10, 2023

“Back to school” sales are in full force and that means it is time for us all to come back to church after summer vacations and breaks! We celebrate the beginning of this new program year with a fun and casual outdoor worship on Sunday, September 10th at 10:00 am (weather permitting) on the front lawn. Bring your own chair or sit in one we’ve set up on the sidewalk—please don’t let navigating the grass keep you away.

Our worship service will feature a playful re-telling of the creation story and a special blessing of backpacks for all those headed back to school. If you are a student of any age, a teacher or administrator or helper in a school setting of any kind, please bring your backpack or other school bag on this day to receive a blessing including a special keychain to add to your bag. Let’s see how many backpacks and bags we can bless this year!

Following worship, we welcome everyone into the Fellowship Room for an ice cream social featuring dipped ice cream with all the toppings—plan to build your own sundae. This is a perfect day to bring a friend or neighbor or grandchild to worship, so please join us!