Fall Women’s Retreat – A Recipe for Connection

Women's Retreat

Women of all ages are invited to join us for a 24-hour retreat this month at Imago Dei Village Retreat Center in Clintonville, less than an hour’s drive from here. We will begin with dinner on Friday night October 25th and conclude after lunch on Saturday, October 26th.

Accommodations are in a lodge with bedrooms for 2 or 3 women and private bathrooms with showers. Cost will be $75 for each participant, and scholarships are available. There is a full kitchen, so we will share cooking duties and include 3 meals: dinner Friday night, then breakfast and lunch on Saturday.

Our theme for this time together is A Recipe For Connection. We will spend the time thinking about food, family, traditions, and the connections we create as women together. We will view the 2009 movie Julie & Julia, which is a wonderful biographical comedy drama written and directed by Nora Ephron starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams in the title roles. The film contrasts the life of chef Julia Child in the early years of her culinary career with the life of young New Yorker Julie Powell, who aspires to cook all 524 recipes in Child’s cookbook in 365 days, a challenge she described on her popular blog, which made her a published author.

We certainly can’t promise to “master the art of French cooking”, (the title of Julia Childs’ cookbooks) but we might attempt a few fun recipes from it together!

Please let Pastor Katie know if you are interested or sign up on the bulletin board at the church.

Trunk-or-Treat 2024

Has your neighborhood ‘aged out’ of trick-or-treating? Do you buy too much candy and then get stuck eating it all on your own? Or, are you happy enough to turn off your lights and hide in the basement on Halloween?

We have a deal for you!

It’s time for our 3rd annual Trunk-or-Treat when we seek to meet our neighbors and community where they are.

Trunk-or-Treat will happen in our church parking lot from

4:00—5:00 pm on Sunday, October 27th

The trunks of our cars will be open and decorated for the Halloween season, parked around the perimeter of the lot. Each car needs to be hosted by its owner. Children of this church and those from the neighborhood are invited to come trick-or-treat at our trunks, moving from one car to the next collecting treats and perhaps play a game or otherwise interact with each trunk host.

Sounds like fun, right? Now we need the trunks to make it happen!

With your trunk open and your heart wide, please volunteer to join us!

To participate, sign up on the bulletin board or call the church office at 920-437-8121 or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org to get on the list.

Check out a few trunks from our past Trunk-or-Treats!

October 2024 Fourth Sunday Forum

Fourth Sunday Forum

Our monthly Fourth Sunday Forum continues on October 27th before worship at 8:45am in the Fellowship Room. Our speaker for the month of October will be our very own Bruce Deadman who’ll speak about his recent trip to Kenya with Sandy, their “son” Ben Mwai and his family. Bruce will talk a little bit about the amazing wildlife encounters they had but will mostly talk about his strictly personal impressions of the Kenyan people and culture. It’ll be like one of those old-time illustrated travelogues!

The Fourth Sunday Forum is a program of our Christian Education Committee which started last year. It is our effort to provide more opportunities for adults especially (though all ages are welcome) to grow in faith and enjoy fellowship together. Each month brings a different speaker to this informal gathering.

Upcoming forums planned include speakers from local helping agencies, church members sharing from their personal experience, and more.

Coffee and treats are always part of the experience. Please join us!

Church Chix Gather October 3, 2024

Church Chix

Please join us, women of all ages, for our October Church Chix Social on Thursday, October 3rd!

Our dinner reservation is for 6:00pm and we’ll dine on the East side of town at Mackinaws Grill & Spirits located at 2925 Voyager Drive.

Some Chix like to meet up for a cocktail the hour before dinner so that’s always an option and before our evening wraps up we’ll decide where next month’s dinner will be, trying our best to alternate the east side of town with the west side of town. No monthly commitment required.

To attend, you can email an RSVP to office@firstpresgreenbay.org or there’s a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.

For more information, please contact the office at (920) 437-8121.

So, if you haven’t already RSVP’d, do it today and join the Church Chix October social for a great night of laughter that’s sure to be memorable!

Annual Fall Clean-up 2024

Church Work Day

Saturday, October 19 from 9am to 11am

It’s that time of year when summer has faded into the crisp air of fall. And you know what that means? It’s time again for our annual fall clean-up!

We can’t do it without you. Work isn’t work when you’re surrounded by friends in fellowship. We have a FUN-filled day planned for you! Spread the word, bring family, friends and neighbors. All are welcome! Tell everyone about the FUN we have in store. Help us out in the yard with:

Raking  •  Pruning Perennials • Garden Beds

Or, you could do what absolutely everyone LOVES doing— window washing!

There’s something for everyone. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board or call us at 437-8121 or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org to reserve your spot.

Don’t miss out on this FUN filled day or you’ll risk experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out).

September 2024 Fourth Sunday Forum

Fourth Sunday Forum

With our new program year, our 4th Sunday Forum will resume on Sunday, September 22nd before the 10am worship service at 9am in the Fellowship Room.

Our speaker for the month of September will be, Outreach Committee Member and Board Member of the Presbyterian Pantry, Stephanie Fahringer. Stephanie will share with us stories about how the Pantry affects the lives of Pantry guests along with the Pantry’s history and the number of families that they impact in the community.

The Presbyterian Pantry has been assisting families for over 40 years. The Pantry began in the early 1980’s to provide basic food for Asian refugees when they settled into the area around the church. Over the years, the Pantry has grown to include all racial demographics, age groups and economic factors. As the needs of the Pantry grew, other Presbyterian Churches in the area were asked to join this effort. Today the Pantry is supported by First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay, First United Presbyterian Church of DePere and Wequiock Presbyterian Church. The Pantry is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization. Please join us to learn more about the Pantry’s rich history and the needs that they serve in our local community.

Fall 2024 Women’s Retreat

Women's Retreat

A Recipe for Connection

Would you be interested in a women’s retreat this fall? This was requested (maybe by you?) on a survey done a year ago and we’re finally going to try it. We plan to hold the event at Imago Dei Village retreat center in Clintonville, less than an hour’s drive from here. We will begin with dinner on Friday night October 25th and conclude after lunch on Saturday, October 26th. Accommodations are in a lodge with bedrooms for 2 or 3 women and private bathrooms with showers. Cost would be less than $75 for each participant, and scholarships are available. There is a full kitchen, so we would share cooking duties and provide 3 meals: dinner, breakfast, and lunch.

Our proposed theme for the retreat is A Recipe For Connection. We hope to spend the time together thinking about food, family, traditions, and the connections we create as women together. We will view the 2009 movie Julie & Julia, which is a wonderful biographical comedy drama written and directed by Nora Ephron starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams in the title roles. The film contrasts the life of chef Julia Child in the early years of her culinary career with the life of young New Yorker Julie Powell, who aspires to cook all 524 recipes in Child’s cookbook in 365 days, a challenge she described on her popular blog, which made her a published author.

We certainly can’t promise to “master the art of French cooking,” (the title of Julia Childs’ cookbooks) but we might attempt a few fun recipes from it together! We need a minimum of ten participants to hold this retreat. Please let Pastor Katie know if you are interested or sign up on the bulletin board at the church. 

Dinner for 2 @ the U

2 for 2 at the U sloppy joe

The Outreach Committee is happy to be hosting our annual Dinner for 2 @ the U meal for college students at the UWGB Mauthe Center on Thursday, September 19th at 5pm. We’re anticipating an attendance of at least 25 people this time.

Fruits & Vegetables

But we can’t pull this off without your help – we need contributions to make this a delicious and nutritious meal!

The main course is sloppy joes, and we have both the vegan and non-vegan planned but we’re in need of an assortment of fresh cut veggies, fresh fruits, and desserts for our students. Please indicate on the bulletin board signup sheet what you’re able to contribute and have your contribution at the church by noon on September 19th.

If you’re able to volunteer to serve the meal, we could definitely use your service and there’s another sign up sheet on the bulletin board to volunteer. Thank you for your support!

Feed My Starving Children MobilePack 2024

FMSC MobilePack

Are you ready to have some fun, and make a difference at the same time? 

Then plan to volunteer for the 2024 Feed My Starving Children MobilePack event in Green Bay! 

The 2024 FMSC MobilePack will be held at Green Bay Community Church from Monday, October 7 through Thursday, October 10. There are six different packing times available so you’re sure to find one that fits your schedule (the 2 times on Wednesday are reserved for Youth Group).

FMSC 2024 Packing Schedule

Registration opens on Sunday, September 1.

You can sign up at https://give.fmsc.org/greenbay, or you can sign up on the FMSC sign-up sheet at church. The sheet will be in the office during the week, and in the back of the sanctuary on Sunday. If you are unable to register online or visit church to register in person, please contact us at office@firstpresgreenbay.org or call (920) 437-8121 with the day and time you’d like to sign up, and we’ll take care of the registration for you.

If you haven’t packed or volunteered before, make this the year that you try something new and see what all the excitement is about! Please consider helping in this great cause! For more information or questions, please contact Kirke Ryder at Kirke.Ryder@gmail.com, or call (920) 883-6589.

And, please prayerfully consider a donation to FMSC through our church. Simply select the FMSC tile in the Give Now section of our website at firstpresgreenbay.org/give-now/, or note FMSC on your check.

Thank you for your support!

Bible Study Returns

Bible Study

Beginning September 11th & 12th

One mark of the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition is a focus on learning and an educated community of faith, so we regularly offer opportunities to gather as adults to learn about God’s Word and study together. Knowing that some seasons are busier for people than others, we usually limit each study to six weeks or so, hoping participants will come and go as time allows.

This year our options will be Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6:00 to 7:00pm and Thursday mornings in person at church from 10:30 to 11:30am. Both of these times represent a change from last year, so please plan accordingly. All are welcome, and as the study is the same, you may move back and forth between the Wednesday and Thursday sessions as needed.

We begin this fall on Wednesday, September 11th and Thursday, September 12th with a six-week study of Creation written by William P. Brown. Rather than limiting ourselves to the two(!) creation narratives from the book of Genesis, this study presents diverse portraits of creation from all across the scriptures. From the Psalms to Genesis to Job to Romans and Revelation, we will look at plenty of biblical perspectives on creation to give us a wide vision of the God we worship and what God has done in establishing the cosmos of which we are a part. Brief readings, good discussion, shared experience, and visuals from the newest deep space telescope will all be included. The book is available for $5.00 from Pastor Katie in the church office. Please join us!