Church Chix Socials
The Chix had a fabulous time at their October social when they dined at Mackinaw’s Grill & Spirits. There were four Chix in attendance and they found the food to be excellent and the conversation lively. The Chix are taking a hiatus until February of 2025. Watch our new year’s newsletter for details on when and where the Chix will eat then!
Fall Clean-up
We had an absolutely beautiful day for our Fall Clean-up on Saturday, October 19th. The weather was more like summer than fall! The yard got cleaned up from bush and tree trimming to the garden beds to raking and the windows were washed as well. Following everyone’s hard work we enjoyed fellowship during lunch. Thanks to everyone who came out to help with the clean-up!
October Fourth Sunday Forum Recap
Our Fourth Sunday speaker for the month of October was our very own Bruce Deadman who spoke about his recent trip to Kenya with Sandy, their “son” Ben Mwai and his family. Bruce shared with us about the amazing wildlife encounters they had but mostly talked about his strictly personal impressions of the Kenyan people and culture. It was one of those old-time illustrated travelogues!
International Foods Potluck
Forty plus people enjoyed a tasty international potluck following our World Communion worship service. Wonderful dishes were shared such as German potato salad with bratwurst, a Mediterranean soup with lamb, a spicy but not too hot dish from Africa, a casserole from Mexico just to name a few. The selection was so delicious that many went back for seconds!
Fall Women’s Retreat
The Women’s Retreat was a smashing success, even though Jacki Jensen took a tumble and sprained her wrist and bruised a few ribs! We enjoyed the camp, cooked great food, made potholders with Lyn Early, decorated our recipe booklet covers, and worshipped together. We will definitely do it again next year!
Trunk or Treat saw its biggest turnout ever, with more than 300 costumed kids and lines backed up all around the parking lot. Many trunks ran out of candy several times. Gumby, the grim reaper, witches, a jellyfish, and more were there—and that was just those of us hosting the trunks! Check out our photo gallery!
Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!