
November 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had a fabulous time at their October social when they dined at Mackinaw’s Grill & Spirits. There were four Chix in attendance and they found the food to be excellent and the conversation lively. The Chix are taking a hiatus until February of 2025. Watch our new year’s newsletter for details on when and where the Chix will eat then!

Fall Clean-up

We had an absolutely beautiful day for our Fall Clean-up on Saturday, October 19th. The weather was more like summer than fall! The yard got cleaned up from bush and tree trimming to the garden beds to raking and the windows were washed as well. Following everyone’s hard work we enjoyed fellowship during lunch. Thanks to everyone who came out to help with the clean-up!

October Fourth Sunday Forum Recap

Our Fourth Sunday speaker for the month of October was our very own Bruce Deadman who spoke about his recent trip to Kenya with Sandy, their “son” Ben Mwai and his family. Bruce shared with us about the amazing wildlife encounters they had but mostly talked about his strictly personal impressions of the Kenyan people and culture. It was one of those old-time illustrated travelogues!

International Foods Potluck

Forty plus people enjoyed a tasty international potluck following our World Communion worship service.  Wonderful dishes were shared such as German potato salad with bratwurst, a Mediterranean soup with lamb, a spicy but not too hot dish from Africa, a casserole from Mexico just to name a few. The selection was so delicious that many went back for seconds!

Fall Women’s Retreat

The Women’s Retreat was a smashing success, even though Jacki Jensen took a tumble and sprained her wrist and bruised a few ribs! We enjoyed the camp, cooked great food, made potholders with Lyn Early, decorated our recipe booklet covers, and worshipped together. We will definitely do it again next year!


Trunk or Treat saw its biggest turnout ever, with more than 300 costumed kids and lines backed up all around the parking lot. Many trunks ran out of candy several times. Gumby, the grim reaper, witches, a jellyfish, and more were there—and that was just those of us hosting the trunks! Check out our photo gallery!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

Worship Service October 27, 2024

This 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, our readings are Mark 10: 46-52 and Ephesians 3: 14-21 and Pastor Katie preaches “Just Imagine”.

In need of a meal or a ride?

Deacon Carpool

If you are temporarily in need of a meal or a ride to church, the Deacons have a network in place to help you get through your difficult time.

Please let us know if you are recovering from an illness or surgery and are in need of a few meals to help you get by until you are recovered. You can call the church office at 920-437-8121 and we can get that arranged for you.

If you are in need of a ride to church the Deacons also have a network in place for you to be picked up and brought to church. Again, you can just call the church office and arrangements can be made.

As Deacons of First Presbyterian Church our primary goal is taking care of our members when difficult situations arise. If you are in need of a helpful meal or a ride to church please call the church office at 920-437-8121 or the Deacon Moderator, Linda Michael at 920-347-0261.

Worship Service October 20, 2024

On this 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, we continue our focus in Mark’s gospel with Mark 10: 35-45 and Pastor Katie’s reflection on “Reserved Seating”.

Worship Service October 13, 2024

On this 21st Sunday after Pentecost, we turn to a familiar story from the gospel of Mark 10: 17-31 about the rich man who asks Jesus what he should do to obtain eternal life. Pastor Katie will reflect on “One Thing We Lack”.

Worship Service October 6, 2024

On this first Sunday of October we celebrate with Christians around the world for World Communion Sunday and receive the Peace and Global Witness offering. Nancy Siewert will offer the message “Flinging Seeds Everywhere” based on Luke 8: 4-8 and Zechariah 8: 12, 16-17

Worship Service September 29, 2024

On this 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Pastor Katie’s reflection is on Switching the Operating System. Our readings are Psalm 1 and James 3: 13-4: 3, 7-10

World Communion Sunday and International Food Potluck

World Communion Sunday

Sunday – October 6, 2024

World Communion Sunday began way back in 1930. The PC(USA) has long promoted this occasion with encouragement to its churches to not just offer “communion as usual”, but to explore the use of different breads, global music, and creative liturgy to enter into the spirit of the celebration and allow congregations a taste of the sacrament from our sisters and brothers around the world.

We will celebrate this year with Christian churches around the world as we share the sacrament together on Sunday, October 6th. Each tray passed will offer several different kinds of bread from which to choose, symbolizing different communities around the world who share the sacrament with us. We look forward to a special message in this service from Taylor Wittman, currently serving in the Peace Corps in Albania.

International Food Potluck

Following our celebration of World Communion on Sunday October 6th, the congregation is invited to a very special potluck lunch in Fellowship Room.

We will continue the global community emphasis by inviting your international food contributions for the potluck—plan to try out a new recipe or bring a favorite from your own ethnic background, but the point is to have a wide variety of foods from around the world as our lunch together. We first tried this last year and had a great time tasting Swedish meatballs, Greek lasagna, Indian curry and more.

Bring a label for your item with ingredients listed or make one with blanks provided here as you drop it off that morning. We want to inform everyone about what they can expect as we enjoy fellowship around the tables and sample foods we may have never tasted before!

Imagine: Picture the Possibilities

Generosity Campaign

The Generosity Team is hard at work designing a creative way to consider the future of our church and the responsibility the whole church has to contribute to that future.

Sundays in our Generosity campaign this year will be October 27th, November 3rd and November 10th. We are grateful to everyone who has answered our request for large empty picture frames—watch for how those will be used in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Room in the coming weeks!

For now, you are simply invited to begin to imagine: imagine what God wants us to look like, imagine what our mission outreach could become, imagine what we could do as a congregation if we had the resources needed to move into our future with faith.

Hope: A User’s Manual – New Bible Study

Bible Study

October 23rd & 24th

When it comes to hope, our culture peddles a lot of cheap knockoffs. But that kind of “hope” falls short when things are bleak—which is exactly when we need hope the most.

This new study centers on a book about real hope—a spiritual counternarrative resilient enough to endure crises and crushing defeats without forsaking the here and now. Author MaryAnn McKibben Dana reflects on what hope is not (optimism, toxic positivity, scripty-font platitudes on Instagram), what hope is (a story we live by), and where to find it in hopeless times (in the messiness of our imperfect, flawed, beautiful human bodies).

This six-week study will be offered on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm via Zoom and on Thursday mornings at 10:30am in-person at the church. The study will begin October 23rd and 24th and books will be available one week prior at a cost of $10.

Join us as we surround ourselves with hope!