On this 25th Sunday after Pentecost, it’s Generosity Commitment Sunday! Pastor Katie will preach on “Imagine Abundance” based on Mark 12: 38-44 https://bit.ly/4hDeZMj. We also welcome special guest Jesse Nummelin of the Griffon String Quartet on the cello. Following worship everyone is invited to a catered dinner in Banner Hall.
Worship Service November 3, 2024
On this All Saints’ Sunday, we look forward to a special guest playing the harp, lighting candles in memory of the saints in our church and our lives who have died in the past year, songs by our children’s choir and our chancel choir, and a reflection on Revelation 21: 1-6 https://bit.ly/3YIwzad by Pastor Katie called “All Things New”. We will also celebrate the sacrament of communion.
All Saints Sunday 2024
Sunday, November 3rd
In early Christian tradition, Saints’ days began as a way to mark the anniversary of a martyr’s death — his or her “birthday” as a Saint. By the middle of the church’s first millennium, there were so many martyrs that it was hard to give them all their due. All Saints’ Day was established as an opportunity to honor all the Saints, known and unknown.
All Saints’ Day has a rather different focus in the Reformed tradition. While we may give thanks for the lives of particular luminaries of ages past, the emphasis is on the ongoing sanctification of the whole people of God. Rather than putting Saints on pedestals as holy people set apart in glory, we give glory to God for the ordinary, holy lives of the believers in this and every age. This is an appropriate time to give thanks to members of the community of faith who have died in the past year.
It is our tradition to remember and give thanks for all the “Saints” of this congregation and throughout our extended families who have gone on to their heavenly homes in the past year. On Sunday, November 3rd we will celebrate All Saints’ Day in worship, remembering especially Harland Merrell, Wayne Price, and Theda Nero. As photos are projected, we will join in prayer for all the Saints and remember each name. As the names are read, a family member or friend will come forward to light a candle for each one. Following the recognition of all our members, others will be invited to come forward and light a candle for a friend or family member they have lost in the last year as well. We’re delighted to have a harpist to accompany our commemoration this year. We remember and give thanks for all those who have gone before us to show us the way—don’t miss this special worship experience.
Advent Workshop 2024 Save-the-Date
December 1st is the first Sunday of Advent and our annual Advent Workshop will be held that day following worship in Banner Hall. Look forward to lunch and plenty of activities to start off the season.
A new Bible study for Advent will begin on Wednesday December 4th at 6:00pm online and Thursday December 5th at 10:30am at church. We will be studying together the book Season’s Greetings: Christmas Letters from Those Who Were There.
Twelve vividly-imagined letters from the familiar characters of this narrative speak to the many meanings of Christmas—awe, wonder, disruption, scandal, and hope. The author is a seminary classmate of Pastor Katie’s and promises to make a Zoom visit to us sometime during the study! Books will be available in the church office for $10. Join us!
Commitment Sunday and Dinner
November 10th
Imagine this: cello music by Jesse Nummelin of the Griffon String Quartet, an anthem by our own choir, and increased commitments of time, talents and treasure to the glory of God!
Our annual generosity campaign will conclude on Sunday, November 10th as we dedicate our pledges in worship and imagine what God wants of us in our next year. We hope that you have ‘been framed’ in one of the picture frames and added to our gallery of imaginings, and that you have added your own post-it note visions for what our impact could be in the coming year to the frames in the sanctuary.
Your pledge to the work and ministry of our church in 2025 will help us all to imagine the next great things God is doing among us. Remember to bring your pledge card to worship and plan to stay for a celebration lunch in Banner Hall catered by Renards. All are welcome!
Joint Thanksgiving Worship Service – November 25, 2024
We Gather Together to Ask the Lord’s Blessing
It is our turn to host the joint Thanksgiving worship service with our sisters and brothers in Christ from First United Presbyterian Church in De Pere!
We will gather here on Monday, November 25th at 6:30pm in the sanctuary. Choir members from both churches will join to be directed by our Music Director, Michael Raught.
A homemade pie and hot apple cider reception will follow the service in the Fellowship Room. Come give thanks with us!
Feed My Starving Children MobilePack 2024 Success!
Visit our Faith In Action Feed My Starving Children page for the outcome of our 2024 campaign!
2024 Christmas Prayer Baskets
We are excited to be ‘adopting’ three families from nearby Lincoln Elementary School to bless with our love, prayers and Christmas gifts and a meal. This will be our first Christmas adopting families from Lincoln School as the District closed Tank School last year who previously participated in our Christmas Prayer Basket outreach.
We will obtain wish lists for the children and adults in each family and those wishes will be in three separate baskets on the table in the back of the Sanctuary.
Members should take a tag or tags from the baskets and return gifts to the church unwrapped by December 12th. Our Youth Group will wrap the presents at their annual lock-in that weekend. Monetary contributions are also welcome.
Thank you for your support!
Confirmation Sunday
November 24th
In the Presbyterian tradition, young people confirm the faith their parents chose for them when they were baptized as infants.
Five students from our congregation have been working for more than a year on topics including scripture review, worship, beliefs, church history, and much more. They have contributed to the design of a Sunday morning service for November 24th and will share their personal statements of faith with the Session prior to that date.
Please join them in celebrating faith as well as doubt in the journey on Sunday, November 24th.
Take the Gospel of Mark Challenge
Hello Church! It’s Mike Melton again with another word regarding books. Last year I recommended a good book in our church library, Hostage Bound Hostage Free by Ben & Carol Weir. Well now, I would like to offer Church members a modest challenge. Read the Gospel of Mark all the way through in one day. You can do it fairly easily; the book is less than 30 pages long in most translations which is only a couple of hours. Because of the structure of traditional worship, we chop the biblical books into sound bites and we may lose the context, the big picture, the vision of the biblical author. Read it in one day because there are messages in the flow itself.
So why Mark?
Mark is the first and shortest of a new form of writing; a Gospel! Matthew and Luke admired it enough to it use as the template for their Gospels. The book rushes along, the word “immediately” shows up a lot and it sweeps you up to the crescendo of the cross. You can feel Jesus sadness and frustration build as His disciples never seem to “Get it.” So pick a date and take the “Mark Challenge.” If you need extra motivation, may I suggest you check out this beautifully illuminated presentation in rich and easily readable calligraphy.
I’m making this book available in the Church Office. Before the printing press was invented there were Bibles!