
Worship Service December 29, 2024

On this First Sunday of Christmas we feature Pajama Worship with Carols. Our Lessons include Isaiah 11: 1-6, Matthew 1: 18-25, Matthew 2: 1-12, and John 1: 1-17

Worship Service December 24, 2024

Please join us for our Christmas Eve Worship Service when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Worship Service December 22, 2024

On this Fourth Sunday of Advent, we conclude our theme of From the Manger with “A Deeper Love” based on Luke 1: 46-55 The choir will sing as well.

Epiphany Sunday 2025


Sunday, January 5th

There are twelve days of Christmas (and not just in the song with all the gifts from your true love!) and then the church calendar turns to Epiphany. This is the traditional day celebrating the arrival of the Magi to visit baby Jesus, but Biblical scholars tell us it was probably not just twelve days after his birth but maybe even a few years! We celebrate it as a whole season of the church year, all the way up until Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5th this year.

The word “Epiphany” means revelation, showing forth. When we say we have an epiphany it means we suddenly recognize or understand something important. So during the season of Epiphany at church we celebrate the recognition and revelation of Jesus Christ and the light he brings to the world. 

For the last several years we have celebrated the season of Epiphany with a “star word”. A star word is a random word that becomes your prayer guide, your focus, your way to watch for God in the world. God can use anything to speak to us. There is nothing magic about a star word. But a star word begins as a mystery—you do not get to choose it. And so, it invites investigation, attentiveness, waiting. A star word orients you to watch for God in a particular way, to be receptive to the Spirit who is moving right now in the world around you.

On Sunday, January 5th our 10am worship celebration of Epiphany will include the distribution of “star words” for everyone present. Come and see what word might guide you in 2025!

2025 Cozy Kids Campaign

Cozy Kids 2025

January 1st—31st

The Cozy Kids Campaign this year will benefit 265 children from nearby Lincoln Elementary School. Our community at First Presbyterian aims to keep those kids cozy with a collection of items needed this year of:

  • Stretchy pants size 5-7 and 6-8
  • Sweatpants size 5-7, 6-8 and 10-12
  • Gloves for boys (bigger is better)
  • Waterproof Gloves
  • Zip-up Sweatshirts size S/M/L
  • Chapstick
  • Wide-Lined Notebooks

Anything that will help the kids get through the winter would be greatly appreciated. All donations can be gently used – we’ll find a home for them.

Place the items – by January 31st – on the table at the back of the sanctuary.

Please help keep Lincoln Elementary School kids COZY this winter.

The Outreach Committee thanks you for your support!

Volunteers Needed for Landscaping Subcommittee

Volunteer Thanks

Do you have an eye for landscaping? Do you like to work outside?

The Building and Grounds committee removed the bushes and is now looking to form a subcommittee to complete the landscaping.

The committee will begin meeting in February and will work to design and install low maintenance landscaping where the bushes were removed.

If you are interested in being on the subcommittee, please contact Bobbi Holl at (920) 680-3222 or email

Bobbi will be setting up the first meeting date and time for mid-February.

Next Bible Study: The Spirituality of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Spirituality of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Book Cover

Begins January 22nd and 23rd

Our Advent study is actually taking us quite a way into January this year, but a new study will begin at the end of the month called The Spirituality of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by John Burgess.

This brief book is an introduction to the life and ministry of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, including his decision to become a theologian, his decision to give his life to the church, and his decision to remain in Germany in attempt to overthrow Hitler.

Group meetings begin on January 22nd and 23rd. Wednesday nights will be at 6pm on Zoom, and Thursday mornings at 10:30am in person at the church in the Fellowship Room.

Books will be available by mid-January in the church office.

Save-the-Date: Souper Bowl of Caring 2025

Souper Bowl of Caring

February 9, 2025

As Super Bowl Sunday approaches that means it’s time for our 3rd annual Souper Bowl of Caring!

The Souper Bowl of Caring is the signature event for Tackle Hunger. This program boasts millions of dollars raised for food charities and thousands of mobilized groups across the country. We sponsor the Souper Bowl of Caring each year as it demonstrates the power of community mobilization and the importance of local action to Tackle Hunger.

Our #FirstPresGB Souper Bowl of Caring is led by the Christian Education Committee along with Youth Group and is held annually on Super Bowl Sunday. The event is meant to bring an awareness to hunger and to curb hunger through soup.

The cost will be $5/person and there will be 8 different soup stations for people to experience. Each soup sampler will have a chance to vote and judge our Souper Bowl winner. The awardee will receive the cherished Golden Ladle that’s passed on year over year to the awarded winner. The current Golden Ladle holder from our 2024 Souper Bowl of Caring is chef Cassandra Aceituno with her stuffed pepper soup.

More details will follow in February’s newsletter but in the meantime, we’re looking for 8 soup chefs to help us pull this off! All you need to do is craft a crock pot full of your favorite soup.

If you’re able to be one of our 8 soup chefs, please contact Director of Children, Youth and Families, Joel Morien, at or there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.

January 2025 Fourth Sunday Forum

Fourth Sunday Forum

Sunday, January 26th

Please join us for our January Fourth Sunday Forum which takes place at 9am before worship on Sunday, January 26th.

Our speaker for the month will be Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges who’ll present Finding Awe in Everyday Moments: Boosting mental health and happiness.

In this forum, Georjeanna will explore the profound impact of experiencing awe in our daily lives.  By paying attention to the beauty around us – whether it’s a blooming flower, a child’s laughter or a stunning sunset – we can create small moments of awe that significantly boost our mental health and cognitive functions.  Join us as Georjeanna delves into practical ways to cultivate these moments, fostering a more joyful and mentally enriching environment for everyone.  Let’s discover how the simple act of noticing can transform our well-being and bring a sense of wonder to our everyday lives.