
March 2024 Fourth Sunday Forum

Golden House Logo

Sunday, March 24th

Please join us for our Fourth Sunday Forum that takes place on March 24th at 9am prior to our worship service in the Fellowship Room. This month we’ll be joined by a representative from Golden House.

Founded in 1979, Golden House is a secure place where victims of domestic abuse find compassionate, knowledgeable advocates offering confidential, individualized help. Serving Brown County, Golden House assists individuals and families of ALL ages, genders, races, sexual orientation, and gender expression with counseling, temporary shelter, 24-Hour help, legal assistance (restraining and harassment order filing assistance), support groups, housing options, prevention education and more.

Free and confidential services for guests include:

  • Safety: Safety Planning, Crisis Counseling, Restraining Orders
  • Support: Mental Health Therapy, Support Groups, Parent Mentoring
  • Housing: Emergency Shelter, Flexible Safe Home Support
  • Prevention Education: Healthy Relationships and Childhood Domestic Violence

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, there is help and support available at the Golden House. Call their 24 hour help line at 920-432-4244 or toll free 877-431-4321.

Worship Service February 25, 2024

On this Second Sunday in Lent, we continue our journey with the disciple Peter in Matthew 14: 22-33 and Pastor Katie’s reflection “Peter: Daring the Deep”. We will have special music from Elliott Stenson on the cello and Kris Melton on piano.

March 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had an amazing social in February when we dined at White Dog, Local Green Bay Eatery. There were 9 Chix in attendance. The service was great, the food was fabulous and the conversation was even better! Our March social is planned for Thursday, March 7th at 6pm at Hagemeister Park Restaurant located at 325 N. Washington Street, downtown. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email

Souper Bowl of Caring

Our Souper Bowl of Caring was a great time of food and fellowship! Using muffin tins with cup inserts this year (genius!) everyone had the opportunity to sample 8 amazing soups. The judging was tough because all were delicious! We had nearly 60 votes and the grand prize winner was chef Cassandra Aceituno with her stuffed pepper soup. Cassandra was awarded the golden ladle during worship on February 18th. We raised $387 for the Presbyterian Pantry. Thanks to everyone who attended and voted, and thanks to our amazing chefs— Cassandra Aceituno, George Hubbard, Al Smith, Lisa Olson, Joel Morien, Patty Kabacinski, Loni McCormick and Patti Mancheski. Thanks also to our CE Committee who made the event possible and to Mary Belanger who helped configure our crockpot outlets so we didn’t blow a circuit!

February Fourth Sunday Forum

Our Fourth Sunday Forum on February 25th featured a representative from NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) of Brown County. During the presentation, Jenna humanized the often misunderstood, highly stigmatized topic of mental illness by showing that it’s possible—and common—to live well with a mental health condition.

Cozy Kids

THANK YOU to everyone who made our Cozy Kids January Campaign such a success! This year our campaign benefited the kids of Presbyterian Pantry guests. The kids were so grateful for all the generous contributions! Our community of faith is truly blessed to have so many members who give back to our local community, especially to our friends and families in need that visit the Pantry.

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!

February 20, 2024 – Did you know?

Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other. But how well do we know our church?

Here’s this week’s Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

When was the church dedicated to the worship of God?

A) 1876

B) 1881

C) 1873


A) From December 20, 1876 press release *** “On Sunday December 24, 1876 at half past ten a.m. the First Presbyterian Church of Howard situated on Chestnut between Main and Hubbard will be dedicated to the worship of God. The Pastor, Rev. David Street, will deliver a discourse befitting the occasion and several ministers of the different churches in Fort Howard will be in attendance to assist in the ceremonies. It is expected that the services will be of an interesting nature.” ***

Thanks for playing!

We want you to do more than just play Did you know?, we’d also like you to contribute! If you have some church fun facts to share, please send those to Cheri at and we’ll have your contribution added to an upcoming Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Worship Service February 18, 2024

On this First Sunday in Lent, we begin our emphasis on the discipleship of Peter with the story from Luke 5: 1-11 and Pastor Katie’s reflection “Peter: Resisting Abundance.”

Worship Service February 11, 2024

This Sunday February 11th we celebrate the Transfiguration of Jesus. Our text is Mark 9: 2-9 and Pastor Katie will reflect on “Contagious Glory.” Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges will share the solo “Here I Am.”

February 6, 2024 – Did you know?

Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other. But how well do we know our church?

Here’s this week’s Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

What year was the mortgage burned?

A) 1945

B) 1950

C) 1955


B) In 1951 our 75th Anniversary was celebrated under the pastorship of Rev. Arthur Adams who had come to us from Billings, Montana in February of the previous year. The Mortgage had been burned in April following his arrival.

Thanks for playing!

We want you to do more than just play Did you know?, we’d also like you to contribute! If you have some church fun facts to share, please send those to Cheri at and we’ll have your contribution added to an upcoming Did you know? Tuesday Trivia!

Worship Service February 4, 2024

On this first Sunday in February, we are pleased to celebrate Scout Sunday and offer a blessing to the troop who meet in our church. Our scripture focus will be Isaiah 40: 21-31, and Pastor Katie’s message is “Compared to a Grasshopper”. We will share in the sacrament of holy communion, and we welcome Jeff Verkuilen as guest organist.

A Message from Pastor Katie

Thank you

Dear members and friends of First Presbyterian:

My heart is full to overflowing. I cannot thank you enough for all the love and care you have shown to me over the last three weeks since the sudden and unexpected death of my beloved mom in Texas. I can’t imagine what those without a family of faith like this one do in such difficult times. To those who stepped up to fill in for me in leading Bible study, preaching the two Sundays I was away, and just managing the day-to-day, to those who sent cards and meals and gifts to help us with travel expenses and a memorial, and most especially to all who held us in prayer during this time, I am deeply grateful. My mom would have loved you just as I do. I’m only sorry she and my dad weren’t able to get here to meet you in person before she went on to her heavenly home. But she was often with us in worship, participating on the livestream and thereby extending this family of faith.

With love in Christ,


Ash Wednesday 2024

Ash Wednesday

February 14, 2024

What are you doing for Valentine’s Day this year? Want to avoid the crowded restaurants and skip the overpriced greeting cards?

Here’s a completely different option: Wednesday, February 14th is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is the forty days (not including Sundays) leading up to Easter, and is a time set aside in the church year to reflect on our Christian walk.

An Ash Wednesday worship service will be held virtually via our Facebook Livestream and in person at 6:30pm on February 14th in the Sanctuary, and features candlelight, scripture, contemplative music and the imposition of ashes on each person’s forehead as a reminder of our own mortality. We wear ashes not to brag about our humility or piety, but to mark ourselves as part of the community of faith and recognize how far we are from God’s will for us. While some feel like this is primarily a Roman Catholic practice, the distribution of ashes has been a part of Protestant and Reformed traditions for many years.

Please come join in the family of faith as we begin our Lenten journey together.