Church Chix Socials
The Chix had a small but delightful gathering at their July 11th social. There were 5 Chix in attendance when they dined at Parker John’s BBQ & Pizza. Everyone enjoyed ribs, nachos, salads and more! The food and fellowship is always fun! The Chix are taking a break during the month of August so watch next month’s newsletter for when and where they’ll dine in September. Once the day and location are confirmed we’ll have a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.
July Confirmation Social
The July confirmation social was another great gathering! There were fun games as always. A wonderful taco bar meal was provided by Deb Shober and everyone brought a dish to pass. We’re looking forward to our August social and then it’ll be just a few weeks before confirmation class resumes in September with our confirmation taking place sometime in the fall. Thank you to Deb Shober for hosting an amazing event!
The Installation to the office of elder was held on Sunday, July 14 for Kirke Ryder and Deb Shober. Kirke demonstrated his leadership skills by playing “Follow the Leader” with the
children during the service! We sincerely appreciate their willingness to serve our Session for a three-year term. Kirke will represent Session on the Generosity Team where he has served for many years, and Deb will chair the Worship Committee. Thank you!
From the Meltons — Thank you!
Mike and I find ourselves walking a new journey. Not one we would have chosen, nevertheless it is ours to share, and we shall walk it together. We both thank you all for the calls made, cards sent, and wonderful meals made with such love. We especially appreciate the love and prayers from our wonderful church family. We’ve been with you such a short time, but we love each and every one of you, just as we feel the love from you. God bless you and keep you safe. Lovingly, Mike and Kris Melton
Softball Stats
We played our last game of the regular season on July 14th and unfortunately walked away with a 10-16 loss. Our first playoff game was the following Sunday and we again walked away with a 1-18 loss and our second playoff game on July 28th was another 10-11 loss. Although our season wasn’t a grand slam everyone enjoyed the opportunity to socialize and play the game. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us this season!
Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!