A Call To Service for 2023


 “There are varieties of gifts, but it is the same Spirit who gives them. There are different ways of serving God, but it is the same Lord who is served…Together we are the body of Christ, and individually members of it.”

These words, taken from the service of ordination and installation in the PC(USA), are a reminder of our calling to service in the church. This is the time of year when our Deacons and Elders complete terms of service and begin new ones.

With many thanks to outgoing Deacons Sara Bostedt, Judy Exl, Jackie Jensen, Melissa Peters and Lisa Solper and outgoing Elders Ross Early and Pat McCormick, we are pleased to welcome new Deacons Gifty Berko, Olivia Crooks, George Hubbard and Sue Russell, as well as new Elders Fritzi Mevis and Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges to service! Joining them are returning Elder David Anderson. They have each served in various ministries prior to this term and bring a wealth of experience to their roles. The Session has set the date of Sunday July 16, 2023 for their ordination and installation in worship and they begin their service officially at the scheduled July meetings of the respective boards. Please take a minute to thank them all for their willingness to serve and keep them in your prayers as they lead us.