Dear members and friends of First Presbyterian:
My heart is full to overflowing. I cannot thank you enough for all the love and care you have shown to me over the last three weeks since the sudden and unexpected death of my beloved mom in Texas. I can’t imagine what those without a family of faith like this one do in such difficult times. To those who stepped up to fill in for me in leading Bible study, preaching the two Sundays I was away, and just managing the day-to-day, to those who sent cards and meals and gifts to help us with travel expenses and a memorial, and most especially to all who held us in prayer during this time, I am deeply grateful. My mom would have loved you just as I do. I’m only sorry she and my dad weren’t able to get here to meet you in person before she went on to her heavenly home. But she was often with us in worship, participating on the livestream and thereby extending this family of faith.
With love in Christ,