Calling All Singers!
If you’re interested in becoming part of the music ministry of First Presbyterian, mark your calendars for Choir Camp that will take place on Saturday, September 7th beginning at 10am till 2pm. Lunch will be provided.
This will be a time to preview music for the upcoming year and to socialize a bit, welcoming back current choir members and welcoming new singers interested in joining our music ministry.
Our regular rehearsals will take place on Sundays at 9am prior to the Worship Service and we’ll be providing special music for the first time the day after camp on Sunday, September 8th.
If you’re interested in attending, there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly for lunch and if you have any questions please contact Michael at MRFR920@aol.com.
Hope to see you at camp!