August 1-31
August 1st thru 31st are the dates for our annual Back to School supply drive! Due to Tank Elementary School’s closure, we will now be supporting Lincoln Elementary School. Most students who previously attended Tank Elementary will attend Lincoln Elementary in the fall. Our long history of supporting and interacting with the school and students at Tank will now transition to supporting Lincoln Elementary students.
Every child should have new pencils, crayons, glue, etc. for school. The electronic list of supplies can be found at https://lincoln.gbaps.org/academics/school-supplies or copies are on the table in the narthex and there’s a copy on the following pages. There will be a table at the back of the Sanctuary to deposit your donations when you are here on Sundays, or any other day Monday – Thursday 9:30am to 2:00pm through August 31st.
THANK YOU for your support!