All are welcome at First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay. One of the strengths of the Presbyterian Church and our faith community is that we do not have to be the same, feel the same, or believe the same. Diversity is a gift to be celebrated. We strive to have all voices included from a variety of perspectives so we can grow and learn together. And so, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome!
Frequently asked Questions: Your First Visit
We are at 200 South Ashland Avenue, on the corner of Ashland Avenue and Howard Street. Our main parking lot is off Ashland Avenue and you are free to park anywhere in the lot. Parking for those with limited mobility is available near the entrance.
The building is handicapped accessible. Enter through the closest door to the parking lot. Proceed through the next door and turn right. Continue down the hall to the stairs (or elevator) to the sanctuary. There will be a greeter to guide you.

If you need a ride to or from church service on Sundays (including coffee fellowship), or if you know someone who needs a ride – please let one of the Deacons know or contact the office by email or call (920) 437-8121! We value Strong Relationships. We would love to have you there and we will make arrangements!
A church bulletin will be provided to you by the ushers to guide you through the service. Inside you will also find special announcements and ministry inserts.
Yes, all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are invited to the Communion Table at First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay. We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
We use non-alcoholic grape juice only. Gluten free bread is also made available.
Baptism is sign of God’s amazing grace; a sign and a seal of our becoming part of the Body of Christ, the Church. In the Presbyterian Church we “sprinkle” water on a person’s head from water poured into a baptismal font, as opposed to some traditions that “immerse” people in a pool of water head to toe. Through the practice of infant baptism, we welcome the children of believers into the household of God, just as the early church did.
Yes, we provide a church school during Worship from September to May, for Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. We use Bible stories from the Revised Common Lectionary, age-appropriate learning activities, and challenge our children to put their faith into action and grow in their self-understanding as Christians.
Assistive listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. We have two kinds: ear speakers and neck loops (for T-coil compatible hearing aids). The ushers will direct you to the audio person for help.
Yes, we ask that everyone silence all mobile devices before entering the service so as to create a safe and focused worship space for everyone.
No matter what your personal style is, we want you to feel comfortable at First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay. If you prefer dressy, business, or casual attire, chances are there will be others dressed like you.
Our well-equipped and staffed nursery and childcare room is located in room 205. Parents are asked to leave their cell number. This allows them to be discreetly reached if necessary. An usher would be happy to show you to the nursery.
Sunday School is held during worship September-May. Children are encouraged to sit with their parents for the first part of the worship service and then are invited to listen to a short children’s sermon in our “Time With the Young Church.” Those in pre-K through Grade 5 are then dismissed for Sunday School. Children of visitors are always welcome. For children who stay with their parents, especially at other times of the year, our ushers can provide a worship bag filled with coloring sheets and crayons to keep them occupied.
Yes, our Pastor would love to meet you! Our Pastor is available after the Worship Service. If you would like a more in-depth visit with the Pastor, please call the Church Office at 920-437-8121 to set up a time for a personal visit or phone call.