June 2024 Rundown

Monthly Rundown

Church Chix Socials

The Chix had a fabulous time at their May 2nd social. There were 10 Chix in attendance when they dined at Narrow Bridge Plate + Pour. The food and service were excellent and there was an abundance of laughter throughout the evening. The next social is planned for June 6th at 6pm when the Chix will dine on the East side of town at Highland Howie’s Pub & Grill located at 3605 Humboldt Road. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.

Letter Carriers & Boy Scout Food Drive

The Boy Scout food drive and the Letter Carriers drive in May sure filled our pantry. We’ve been averaging around 40 families during each week of Pantry so we’re always in need of help filling the pantry shelves. The Pantry crew thanks all who helped for the Letter Carriers drive with picking-up, sorting and putting away all the food. The Outreach Committee really appreciates all your help and so do our Pantry guests! The many new items offered will surely brings smiles to many.

Youth & Christian Educator Sunday

A BIG THANK YOU to our youth and youth group leaders who led us in worship on Pentecost Sunday! It was an opportunity for our youth to let their talents and abilities shine. They showcased their gifts in a number of ways from performing the readings to giving the sermon. As a group they chose the prayers and music that fit Pentecost Sunday and also chose all of the music. The steps in preparation of, and the actual worship service was a spiritual experience that has drawn each youth closer to their faith. Check out our photo gallery!

During worship the teachers and leaders were also recognized and thanked for all their contributions. Special thanks to Brenda Hubbard, Lisa Olson, Sara Bostedt, Loni McCormick, Deb Gauthier, Stacy Bostedt, Olivia Crooks, Jessica Gauthier, Mike Melton, Grace Estes Collins, Bobbi Holl, Joel Morien and Katie Estes for your contribution as educators!

Softball Stats

Our softball season got underway on Sunday, May 19th and the team was so excited to be back on the field. Unfortunately our efforts didn’t result in a win for our first game. We played Our Savior, fought a good fight but came out with a loss with the final score of 17 to 7. But we’re not going to let that dampen our spirits. We had a week off for the Memorial Day holiday weekend and then we’re back to playing on Sunday, June 2nd when we play Green Bay Community 1 at 5:30pm on Field 3. We hope that you can join us and cheer us on!

Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!