Church Chix Socials
The Chix had an amazing social in December when we dined at Old Mexico Cantina & Grill and we had 6 Chix that attended. The service was great and the food was even better! Our January social is planned for Thursday, January 11th at 6pm at Greystone located at 3711 Monroe Road in East De Pere. To RSVP there’s a sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email office@firstpresgreenbay.org.
Advent Workshop
Our Sanctuary was beautifully decorated for the first Sunday of Advent. Following worship we all moved to Banner Hall for our traditional Advent Workshop. THANK YOU to all who attended! We packed 75 socks of love for St. John’s Shelter guests and Kevin’s chili was delicious as always. Check out our photo Gallery!
Christmas Toy Shop
This year’s Toy Shop on December 12th for our Pantry guests was a great success! We served 79 families and gave away toys for 345 kids! Thank you to everyone for your generous support with monetary gifts and toys, and special THANKS to our elves that were personal shoppers. Thanks to everyone’s support there’s 345 kids who found presents under the tree on Christmas morning! Check out our photo gallery!
Thank you Red Lobster!
A BIG thank you to Red Lobster Manager, James, for his team’s generous donation to our Toy Shop of more than 50 toys! Each year we’re blessed with their generosity and this year there was another overflowing dolly with toys. Red Lobster also donates frozen potatoes, salmon and Red Lobster biscuits on a weekly basis to our Pantry.
Christmas Prayer Baskets
Our three adopted families had a beautiful Christmas thanks to so many wonderful people! All the tags were taken from our baskets to fill each family’s wish lists. Many people within the church and several outside of our church helped make this possible. The Outreach Committee thanks everyone so much for the wonderful presents and for spreading joy! Special thanks to our family coordinators: Patti & Kevin Kabacinski for the Angel Family, Olivia Crooks for the Jesus Family and Lisa Olson for the Star Family.
Youth Lock-In
The Youth Group had their annual lock-in on the weekend of December 15th and wrapped all the Christmas Prayer Basket gifts. It was a great night of fellowship filled with games and fun plus reflection on how fortunate we are for all the gifts in our life. Special thanks to Mike Melton for providing the group with an amazing breakfast!
Rundowns will publish with our Connections issue on a monthly or bimonthly basis. To submit rundowns for consideration contact us at communications@firstpresgreenbay.org by the 15th of the month to be included in the following month’s publication. And, as always, we look forward to receiving your Rundown of what’s been Happening Now!