Confirmation Class and Youth Group is Back


Welcome back to our middle school and high school youth after a long hot summer!

In Confirmation Class, intended for students in 8th grade or higher, Pastor Katie and CE Director Joel review Bible basics, Presbyterian traditions, and lead in discussion about where and how we experience God and Christ and faith in life today. We will meet on Sundays following worship beginning September 8th.

FPCGB Youth Group

After a little more than a year, this class of students is almost ready to write their faith statements and confirm their faith in worship. Watch for the date soon!

Youth group meets each Wednesday night beginning September 11th from 6:30 to 8:00pm and is led by CE Director Joel Morien along with members of the congregation. These informal gatherings are a chance to connect with others and discuss a wide range of topics relating to our daily lives and our faith. We also have a number of service and fellowship events planned:

Packing meals for Feed My Starving Children in early October

An overnight at church in December to wrap gifts for our Prayer Basket families

Ski trip in January, and more!