February 14, 2024
What are you doing for Valentine’s Day this year? Want to avoid the crowded restaurants and skip the overpriced greeting cards?
Here’s a completely different option: Wednesday, February 14th is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is the forty days (not including Sundays) leading up to Easter, and is a time set aside in the church year to reflect on our Christian walk.
An Ash Wednesday worship service will be held virtually via our Facebook Livestream and in person at 6:30pm on February 14th in the Sanctuary, and features candlelight, scripture, contemplative music and the imposition of ashes on each person’s forehead as a reminder of our own mortality. We wear ashes not to brag about our humility or piety, but to mark ourselves as part of the community of faith and recognize how far we are from God’s will for us. While some feel like this is primarily a Roman Catholic practice, the distribution of ashes has been a part of Protestant and Reformed traditions for many years.
Please come join in the family of faith as we begin our Lenten journey together.