Worship Service December 10, 2023

On this Second Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of Peace and focus our attention on what peace means in our world today. The children will sing an introit in our worship service: “What Do You Hear?” Pastor Katie will share Mark 1: 1-8 https://bit.ly/3Rvr0bG and reflect on “Only the Beginning”. We welcome our dear friend Micah Zuelke as substitute organist.

Worship Service December 3, 2023

On this first Sunday of Advent, we begin the new church year looking at Mark 13: 24-37 https://bit.ly/3T1YD5Y as Pastor Katie reflects on “Ready and Waiting.” The children will light the first candle on the Advent wreath and we will celebrate the sacrament of Communion as well.

The Season of Advent


Join us as we prepare our hearts during this Advent season for the coming of Christ—Emmanuel, God With Us. Our Sundays will follow the ancient rhythm of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love as we light candles on our Advent wreath and focus our attention on God’s promises for us.

The Psalm readings for this season invite us to see the brokenness of the world as it is, with a growing hunger crisis made worse by climate crisis and violent conflicts around the world that disrupt food systems, force migration, and disproportionately impact marginalized communities. The Psalms also remind us that we can trust in God’s promises of restoration of the world. We stand together in hope, peace, joy, and love to keep us grounded in these promises.

The four Sundays of Advent welcome us into prayer and reflection as we wait in anticipation for the One who brings hope, peace, joy, and love to this broken world.

May Christ’s light bring us on the path toward justice and righteousness for all.

Worship Service November 26, 2023

On this Thanksgiving Sunday, we’re pleased to have some members of our Confirmation class doing a reader’s theater skit in worship called “What We’re Thankful For.” Our scripture focus will be on Deuteronomy 8: 7-18 https://bit.ly/47ovwye and several different members of the church will offer reflections on gratitude in their own lives.

Worship Service November 19, 2023

On this 25th Sunday after Pentecost, we continue our consideration of end-time themes here at the end of the church year with a focus on 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 https://bit.ly/3srLbxD. Pastor Katie will reflect on “Time in the Light.”

Worship Service November 12, 2023

On this 24th Sunday after Pentecost, our reading Matthew 25: 1-13 https://bit.ly/3SsZ0GB will focus our attention on Jesus’ story of the wise and foolish bridesmaids as Pastor Katie reflects on “In the Meantime.”

Worship Service October 22, 2023

On this fourth Sunday of October, we wrap up our “I’m in!” Generosity theme and encourage everyone to bring 2024 pledge cards to worship. Pastor Katie will focus on Matthew 22: 15-22 https://bit.ly/3rMFudm with a message of “In Over Our Heads.” Following worship, everyone is invited down to Banner Hall for a celebratory spaghetti lunch.

Worship Service October 15, 2023

On this 20th Sunday after Pentecost we welcome four new members into our family of faith. Our readings are from Ezekiel 36: 24-28 https://bit.ly/3tyZznE and Matthew 6: 19-21 https://bit.ly/3toPYzL and Pastor Katie will preach on “Hearts of Stone”.

Worship Service October 8, 2023

On this 19th Sunday after Pentecost we welcome guest preacher, Tom Schoffelman, our new guest organist, Michael Raught and Jane Bies as our reader. Our readings are from Genesis 17: 1-2 https://bit.ly/3ZFdy7C and John 1:35-46 https://bit.ly/3PLGaYa.