The Augusta Jeffrey Award was established in 2004 by the family of Augusta Jeffrey to recognize a member of First Presbyterian Church for outstanding volunteer efforts and service in our church. Areas of service may include: Mission, Worship, Member Care, Christian Education, Administration, and Evangelism. Nominations are gathered in the month of February every year and the recipient is chosen in March. The recipient receives a gift of $600 from the fund established by the Jeffrey family that is allocated to an area in the church chosen by the awardee.

On Sunday March 19, the 2022 Augusta Jeffrey Award was presented to Donna Jansen. She has been an exemplary volunteer over the years of her church membership, including serving as Elder, Deacon, Sunday School teacher, Reader, Chair of the Spring Craft Bazaar and Christmas Bazaar, President of the Women’s Circle, Crib Room Coordinator, and more.
Donna was an active member of Martha Circle and Esther Circle, represented our church on the CoCare Neighborhood Association Board of Directors for the Fort Howard Apartment Complex, and helped out with their rummage sales, participated in neighborhood walks in the community to invite and inform neighbors about First Presbyterian Church.
In more recent years Donna has remained active volunteering our Presbyterian Pantry, 2 for 2 at the U (UWGB Outreach meal), as chair of the Funeral Committee, and collecting travel-size hygiene and toiletry items for shelter residents.
Congratulations, Donna!