Augusta Jeffrey 2022 Awardee

Augusta Jeffrey Award 2022

Congrats Judy!

It is our pleasure to present this year’s well deserved Augusta Jeffrey Award to Judy Knutzen-Nerad.

Judy has been a member of First Presbyterian Church GB since 1974 and during that time has served multiple terms as Deacon and is currently serving in that role today. She also now serves as an usher and plays a leadership role in organizing ushers for all services.

Always giving of her time and talent, Judy is an active committee member having served on the CE Committee in the past, and currently serves on both the Funeral Committee and Worship Committee. For many years, you’ve received a newsletter because Judy helped in the office each month and when needed she also volunteers as a substitute for Leah.

The advent wreath we’re blessed to use in worship each year since 1977 is entirely thanks to Judy who donated this in memory of her first husband, Paul. This past year in 2021, the wreath as well as other Advent decorations in the sanctuary were updated by Judy and she also donated the Fellowship Room Christmas tree.

Each year the Augusta Jeffrey awardee designates the $600 award funds to an area of ministry in which the church is engaged and Judy has designated this year’s funds towards sanctuary beautification, with the purchase of a few new banners in mind.

Daughters, Kristin and Tammy, were in attendance at our recognition celebration on Sunday, March 27th when Judy received the 2022 Augusta Jeffrey Award. As Covid prevented us from having a reception last year, we also celebrated 2021 awardees, Lisa Olson and Amy Wittman.

We are very blessed to have Judy as a member of our church. The next time you see Judy, please take a minute to give her a big thanks for all the generosity she’s shown our community of faith.

How we can help people in Ukraine

Pray for Ukraine

Resources from Presbyterian Mission

It is evident that the situation unfolding in Ukraine is rapid and everchanging. With the war shifting, many Ukrainian families have been forced to flee their homes in order to maintain their safety. With news outlets frequently reporting about the crisis, you may find yourself wondering what you can do to help those affected.

Here’s what Presbyterian Mission, a division of Presbyterian Church USA, says you can do:


Donations can be made by calling (800) 872-3283, by texting “PDAUKR” to 41444, online at or by check made payable to Presbyterian Church USA with “DR000156-Ukraine” on the memo line mailed to:

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700


Download the Bulletin Insert and spread the word. You can also urge the U.S. government to support generous aid for refugees and civilians suffering in Ukraine, and call for engaging a diplomatic solution to the conflict.


“May we undergird our prayers with tangible resources to help.
May we reach deeply, give generously, and welcome extravagantly.
May we lift our voices in a strong and unified advocacy.
May we all, even as we breathe in lament, breathe out mercy, hope and peace.
And in this Lenten season, when we walk the way toward death and resurrection, repent our complicity in cultures of violence and renew our efforts toward justice and peace.”

— Rev. Dr. Laurie Kraus, Director, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance